Red Hair Help??


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Jan 13, 2015

Kaysey L.

I wash my hair once a week. Basically just go as long as possible without washing it, dry shampoo is your best friend! Also check out Tressa Watercolors shampoo on Amazon. It's red shampoo that actually deposits some color on when you wash it. If you want to just get shampoo from the store, make sure it's sulfate free. If the bottle doesn't come out and say "Sulfate Free" I would check the label for "Sodium Lauryl Sulfate" or "Sodium Laureth Sulfate." This is the main ingredient in most shampoos that will strip the color out of your hair quickly.

Jan 13, 2015

Shanae J.

I washed my hair two to three times a week with cool water. I used John friedas red hair care line, it basically put a protection barrier over my hair, I loved it so much. I suggest getting a shampoo and conditioner line specifically for red hair as "color safe" shampoos tend to fade color. The John frieda line is at any drugstore or ulta. I had to touch up my roots once a week which eventually became a burden and I just stripped the red out lol.

Jan 13, 2015

Shanae J.

Here's what the John frieda line looks like. You can look up reviews too!

Jan 13, 2015

Lauren W.

I use argan oil shampoo and conditioner cause my hair is damaged but I also use the dove colour protect selection. It has a balm a mask shampoo and conditioner. I wash my hair maybe once a week and sit with my mask on all day and night. I also use a normal conditioner with a red dye by directions as a top up when it starts to dull. I do this maybe once a month or when it needs doing.

Jan 13, 2015

Shanae J.

I second the dove color protection selection! ^

Jan 13, 2015

Hallie B.

I wash my hair about three times a week. Other wise, it's a greasy mess. Usually I would have to wash it everyday until I discovered dry shampoo.
So I use my John Frieda radiant red shampoo and I re color about every four weeks.

Jan 14, 2015

Isabel M.

I am not a redhead myself, but my mom is naturally but she dyes it to make sure she will not have any grey hairs...

She said 'I wash my hair 2 'till 3 times a week with *not going to write the name because it is a Dutch product anyways so it is not like most of you will understand it*'

Jan 14, 2015

Mimi L.

Baby shampoo and conditioner helps keep dyed hair colored & lasting longer because it is much gentler than other harsh hair products.

Jan 15, 2015

Celeste A.

I just got out of my red hair binge, but like these lovely ladies I washed my hair once a week, cool water, as quick as I could. I tried the john frieda shampoo and conditioner but I hated it. Dried me right out. I stuck to baby shampoo and argon oil conditioner. Red is fun, but fades so easy :( best of luck!