Wella T18 Toner!?


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May 6, 2014

Gabs D.

I'm about to get wells t18 toner which is for the lightest ash blonde possible haha will it tone out all the yellow in my hair? Especially my roots?
There is some yellow in my hair too but it's hard to tell in the photo
Also it's yellow tinted in the back because my hair was two toned

I'll show more pics!

May 6, 2014

Gabs D.

Back side

May 6, 2014

Gabs D.

Old hair
Blonde in front around face and natural brown hair in back

May 6, 2014

rosemily d.

Its never worked for me. but it will turn your whitish hair a grayish blue green color lol so be careful not to put it on that part

May 6, 2014

taelor h.

Yes, I did mine about a month ago with it, the yellow is out, so now it's more of an ash, it's not platnum, one thing I like about it is it leaves you with different shades. almost like highlights you know.?

May 6, 2014

taelor h.

Good luck by the way.!!(: