Chapped Lips?


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Dec 6, 2012

Jessica N.

Since winter has started, my lips have been drying out due to cold weather. I don't have the time to keep reapplying Chapstick. Any suggestions ?

Dec 6, 2012

Izabella B.

Exfoliate with a toothbrush,wet cloth,or lip scrub and then moisturize the lock in the moisture<3

Dec 6, 2012

Rachel S.

Exfoliate GENTLY at with sugar in a bit of water then allow it to sit for a minute wipe off gently with a washcloth then put in some Vaseline or A&D ointment before bed :) Hope I helped :)

~ Rach

Dec 6, 2012

Rachel S.

In is supposed to be ON* sorry typing on a phone :-/