The implant advice ASAP x


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Mar 16, 2014

Emily S.

I have the implant in my arm and I was woundering if any one knows any ways of covering it I have recently got really thin and it has started to stick out a lot I have tryed foundation but Dosent really seem to help much x

Mar 16, 2014

Allessandra R.

What's then implant?

Mar 16, 2014

Allessandra R.


Mar 16, 2014

Allessandra R.

The birth control one?

Mar 16, 2014

Mariah R.

Ouch. I hated that thing. I bled nonstop when I had it, even during sex. (sorry if thats tmi) there was only like four days out if the month I didnt bleed. it also made me feel weak /: but anyways , I'm sorry I don't know how to help you. when I had it it made me upper arms really fat so mine never popped out. sorry /: