Hair problem? Hair dye thinned my hair?


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Apr 5, 2014

Skye E.

Hello lovelys:) I recently dyed my hair this week for the first time. Maybe I'm going crazy, but I think it thinned the bottom of my hair. My hair is naturally really thick and now, to me it doesn't seem that way anymore. I haven't died anywhere near my roots. How can it grow back thicker? Can it get thicker again? I'm probably just paranoid, my hair is the only thing I like about me lol. Thanks in advance. Anyways, here's how I died it : ( btw sorry for that pic, I look really strange in it )

Apr 5, 2014

Cassidy H.

If your hairs thin at the ends it means the ends of your hair are dead so I would suggest to get a trim maybe like an inch and if you use heat a lot on your hair you might want to lay off on it for a while just to let your hair grow this happened to me so I got a hair cute and didn't straighten my hair for the summer and it grew pretty fast!

Apr 5, 2014

Skye E.

Thanks @Jacqlun W. I sure know my hair won't go super thick, it was just naturally thick and I'm probably stressing it a lot. You helped a lot, I'll try a good shampoo:)

Apr 5, 2014

Skye E.

@Cassidy H. Thank you! I've been reducing the amount of heat I use on my hair now. I haven't really been using it, I also think another reason it might feel thin is because I've got my hair in layers now. I might go for a trim, I'm just really scared of scissors 😭 I've had 2 bad experiences of haircuts and I'm still trying to out grow one. My hair does grow fast, it's just I don't know if the dye messed it up. Thanks :)

Apr 5, 2014

Cassidy H.

I don't think the dye would mess it up but it might take longer to grow out because dying your hair also damages it😬

Apr 5, 2014

Cassidy H.

And awe don't be scared of getting your hair cut my hair was past my butt and I got it chopped to my shoulders I was so nervous but it was one of the bet things I did it looks like that👍👍

Apr 5, 2014

Skye E.

Your super pretty, and I love your hair @Cassidy H.

Apr 5, 2014

Cassidy H.
