Break Out Madness...Really Need Help.


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Aug 13, 2014

Anna S.

My right side breaks out more then my left I think it may be because I sleep on my right side try changing your pillowcase more often also I find benzoyl peroxide helps clear my acne.

Aug 13, 2014

Ame S.

I think your best bet is seeing a doctor, Proactiv works for only a certain type of acne and not for all people. Its also harsh on sensitive skin. I developed a benzoyl peroxide burn from proactiv so I don't recommend it. You can not afford to experiment at this stage where your wedding is approaching fast. A dermatologist is a must, hopefully you can find a good one.

Aug 13, 2014

Madison P.

Yeah, I wouldn't recommend proactiv. I had it for a little bit last year and it irritated my skin so badly and made it all red and itchy. It only works for a few people. I say that you should go to a dermatologist if you want something that will actually help, or you could just try your best to not mess with your face and wash it as regularly as possible. (:

Aug 13, 2014

Shannon B.

Do not do proactive!! It's terrible unless you are using it. Your skin will clear up while using it but after you stop your acne comes back worse. Definitely something I would not use unless you want to use it forever.

Aug 13, 2014

Shannon B.

See a dermatologist. It's the best thing you can do for your skin. They will find out the exact cause of the acne and how to cure it.

Aug 13, 2014

Kathryn L.

It's your pillowcase!! It sounds like your laying on one side. I think you should change your pillowcase once a day and that should clear it up. I'm not saying your pillow is dirty but it's the oils from your hair and leftover makeup ect.

Aug 13, 2014

Kaylee D.

I wouldn't use proactive, once you get off it your acne comes back ten times worse, have you tried the neutrogena pink grapefruit wash? I'm not a fan of other washes from nuetrogina but this one I really liked, also the clarisonic is supposed to really help acne.

Aug 14, 2014

Alexis M.

What I use is biore charcoal scrub. It's drying so you need a good moisturizer but it works really well. I saw results overnight. And after I wash my face I use the elf zip zapper on my spots. They shrink to half the size by morning!

Aug 14, 2014

Lisa C.

I've heard that Michael Todd is really good! The products are a little bit on the pricier side, but some of their cleansers are only like $15, and they have a a whole kit for acne that is $60. They also have good face masks!

Aug 14, 2014

Tatumn M.

Please take my suggestion seriously. I have had acne for years now. It has always been a huge struggle. Now about proactive... There are harsh chemicals in those products. It irritated my skin and it left my skin looking so red! Then I found something else... A skin regimen called Rodan and Fields: the unblemish line. It made a difference in ONE day! My acne was really bumpy before I used this regimen, but in one day the bumps were more smooth than the day before. It's a little expensive but it's worth the money. Please take this into consideration.