Witch hazel a good toner?


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Aug 3, 2014

Isabel J.

Is it a good toner?

Aug 3, 2014

Lilly D.

I read so many reviews before I purchased any and everyone said it was great. But honestly after using it for 5 months I see absolutely no difference. maybe it's just my skin but that's just my experience with it (:

Aug 3, 2014

Alicia C.

I use a homemade toner that I found on pintrest and put in small travel size bottles. For my roommate and I it works well, I tend to have oily acne prone skin and she has nice perfect skin
1/4 cup Lemon Juice
1/3 cup Witch Hazel
2 tablespoons Rubbing Alcohol
2 cups water

Aug 3, 2014

Shona S.

Yeah both my mum and I use it :)

Aug 3, 2014

Kendra H.

I used it for a while and though there are people that rave about it, I dislike it. It just didn't do anything for my skin; at least that I could see. I recommend either a rose water toner that you can get for about $15 on amazon or one of the clean and clear toners for about $6 at your local drugstore. The rose water is natural and doesn't contain the hatch alcohol that the clean and clear does. But, if you're acne prone the clean and clear also has salicylic acid in it and works like a charm; it just isn't all natural.

Aug 3, 2014

Ivette H.

I use it for about 2 months and I felt like it dried out my skin a little.

Aug 6, 2014

Alicia C.

Make sure to moisturize afterwards to prevent dryness.