Why to NOT use tanning beds!


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Aug 6, 2014

Sabrina T.

Tanning beds are EXTREMELY dangerous! After about an hour of a tan, your cancer cells increase and you will more likely have skin cancer! They can fry you!

Aug 6, 2014

Bry R.

Yeah and too much of it and you'll look like a leather handbag when you're old xD haha no but seriously my greant aunts are in their 60s and after extreme tanning all their life, they look like leather. Tanning really does age your skin

Aug 6, 2014

Vicki K.

We did a big unit about this in my health class my Junior year of high school, advising us against tanning for the same reasons you mentioned! And even when going outside you should always apply sunscreen!

Aug 6, 2014

Erika K.

We had a unit on tanning too and to add on to Sabrina's comment, it increases your risk of skin cancer 8 times!! EIGHT! That's ridiculous! Also, if you have any moles on your body, they are like a target for certain rays 😁

Aug 6, 2014

Vicki K.

Yeah I forgot about the moles being like targets for rays you're right Erika! :) It's even a great idea if you have a mole that concerns you checked by a doctor :)

Aug 6, 2014

Faith F.

Yea Bryanna, the leather handbag look is NOT cute.

Aug 6, 2014

Valerie C.

LOL leather handbag 😂 I try telling my sister this all the time! She never listens 😔

Aug 6, 2014

Megan F.

I see some 40-50 year olds at the beach that look like leather!! It's so ugly!!

Aug 6, 2014

Bry R.

I avoid the sun like the plague, sunscreen has become my bestfriend, I wear long skirts and I don't stay out long. I don't want to be tan.