Gift Ideas For Granny?


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Dec 23, 2012

Rachel C.

I need help! Could anyone suggest any gift ideas for a beauty loving granny?!

Dec 23, 2012

Tiffany D.

You can't go wrong with bath and body works but it depends on what she's into.

Dec 23, 2012

Rachel C.

That's a good idea! One year she got one of those vanity mirrors with light, and another year it was hand softening gloves. She's always really hard to shop for because it seems like grannies have EVERYTHING!

Dec 23, 2012

Tiffany D.

Lol I know my grandma is impossible to shop for good luck :)

Dec 23, 2012

Rachel C.

Thanks tiff! ;)

Dec 23, 2012

Chelsey G.

It often seems that as women get older they seem to lose interest in buying skin care items. My grandmother always says how she would like a nice face moisturizer. I think many grandmothers would like a nice moisturizer. 

Dec 23, 2012

Arabbeauty D.

Elisabeth Arden red door perfume 

Dec 23, 2012

Tiffany M.

Aw I miss my mawmaw so much...especially this time of year...I always got her a basket of small items I put together myself... Lipsticks, lotions, manicure stuff, perfume, bath salts, perfumed powders, candles, just fun girly things

Dec 23, 2012

Nina P.

Get her a natural beauty gift set. One with lotion, bath stuff...

Dec 23, 2012

Rachel C.

Thanks all! These are all such great items! A basket of stuff can never go wrong. I'm attacking the mall as we speak lol 

Dec 23, 2012

Kathy K.

How old is your grandmother?

Dec 23, 2012

Rachel C.

Mid 80's...ish. I think 86. But I could be wrong by a year or two. I'm really bad with age, sometimes I forget my own and have to think hard! Lol

Dec 23, 2012

Rachel C.

Ok. I was kinda off. She's 78.