New Palette Play Time.


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Oct 9, 2014

Carson R.

So I finally got my hands on some BHcosmetics items (I've been fawning over the quality and price for so long!) and I'm having so much fun just playing around. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing with this eye look right now, but we'll see! 😂
I got:
1st edition 120 color palette
5th edition 120 color palette
15 piece Rose Gold brush set
Lilac blush/highlight combo
Daisy blush/highlight combo
6 color concealer & corrector palette
3 different sets of false lashes
& actually a lot more that I can't remember right now. It all came out to about 10 or so items total for maybe $60 or so. So far I'm loving the quality! I've been just goofing off with my brushes and palettes today!

Oct 10, 2014

Olivia A.

Could you give in depth reviews on the products you bought. Swatches too? I've been really wanting to order some things from bhcosmetics because I have never tried it out before.
Thanks! 😘

Oct 10, 2014

Sarah N.

If you're going to do red, try to make sure you do a nice line of black to separate the color from your eyes. It's a beautiful color, but without that you look a bit sick or like you've been crying! But have fun, that's what playing in the makeup is for!