All day facial sunscreen.


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Jun 4, 2014

Hannah W.

I really want an all day UVA and UVB stable sun cream for my face. That I don't have to reapply after I've put it on in the morning. I was using the Riemann P20 once a day stuff but it's so oily my makeup seems to dissolve into it after a few hours.. Plus I think it's clogging up pores aswell. Does anyone know how reliable the benefit new SPF one is for all day protection or something else? I have an oily tzone with normal/dry cheeks, in the heat I try not to wear too much foundation/concealer so my tan is even but my skin is important to me so what can I use to protect it?

Jun 4, 2014

Erica K.

I don't think all day protection is possible with SPF, tho I could be wrong. However Shelley suggested the Colorescience portable mineral sunscreen and I love it. It's super easy yo brush on during the day.

Jun 4, 2014

Erica K.


Jun 4, 2014

Shauna S.

You can also buy a foundation with spf in it. It's not as strong and you should still wear a sunscreen underneath but it still gives protection.

Jun 4, 2014

Diana T.

I like the neutrogena clear face spf30

Jun 4, 2014

Diana T.

And as far as not reapplying that is something you just have to do - because SPF doesn't have a very long lifespan when it's exposed to the UV radiation the Max it can last is 80-90 minutes so you will always have to reapply that's just the nature of SPF.

Jun 4, 2014

Sarah G.

Only a minreal block sunscreen will last all day. regular sunscreen last approximately 2 hours. Avene makes a great minreal block sunscreen, and good for sensitive skin.

Jun 4, 2014

Hannah W.

So how does everyone get round the makeup issue if you're constantly reapplying sunscreen throughout the day? Isn't that just a mess of layers of dirt and oil for your pores? I will look into the mineral stuff it's something I've not really looked into but definitely interested.

Jun 4, 2014

Amy S.

All spf have to be reapplied. But, good news... blockers, like minerals coat skin.

A combo of spf 30, mineral, and a vit c serum is perfect.

Did you know, daily vit c boosts spf by at least 15-20%

Jun 4, 2014

Amy S.

Sun glasses and hats... trust me, when your older, youll thank me.

Jun 5, 2014

Janette B.

Amy, does the vit c increase the efficacy of SPF by 15-20%? Did not know that, but good to know!

Jun 5, 2014

Amy S.

Yes, it does... but you have to use it daily. Morning and night.

Jun 5, 2014

Amy S.

Some work as much as 30 percent.

Jun 5, 2014

Hannah W.

Didn't know that Amy, thank you. Sounds like a perfectly achievable way to get the right protection, thank you. Now to find a suitable suncream that I like! :-S :-)