Freckle removal/ prevention


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Jun 2, 2014

Brooke-lynn E.

Is there a way to get rid or prevent freckles? I really only get them in the summer or when I go to a tanning bed but I really want to get rid of them.

Jun 2, 2014

Kat A.

I don't really think there are. sunscreen might help. most people have 10-40 by the time they're 30. it's just a normal thing.

Jun 2, 2014

Kat A.

I have quite a few & I've noticed a few new ones recently.

Jun 2, 2014

Brooke-lynn E.

My face is always so much whiter than my body so I hate using too much sunscreen /:

Jun 2, 2014

Brooke-lynn E.

I just love the look of smooth clean skin & with freckles I feel like I can't get a mark-free face but thank you :)
Also thank you Em L. & Kat A.

Jun 3, 2014

Lynzie B.

You can only prevent them by limiting your sun exposure because freckles are a over production of melanin pigment caused by your genetic makeup. You can lighten them with a hydroquinone cream (ex: dark spot corrector/skin lightning cream) or vitamin c serum and sunscreen.

Jun 3, 2014

Shaye M.

I used to have THE worst face full of freckles and I know that wearing a full face of foundation with SPF throughout high school really helped fade mine. I agree with lynzie about the vitamin c serum too.

Jun 4, 2014

Cami J.

People overestimate often doesn't matter the spf...but how often you apply it. I would go with an SPF 30-50 and apply it every 3-5 hours. Using lemon juice to brighten the freckles might help as well, but it dries out your skin tragically and it can damage it if not careful.

And about the sunscreen...I wear makeup a lot...I would reply 1:1 with foundation or by cream and carry some wipes around to wipe off makeup and reapply quickly during the day with your fingers.

Jun 4, 2014

Cami J.

But never use lemon juice over all your skin. Use a cotton stick to use it as a spot treatment just over the freckle in tiny dots and let them dry.