I can't leave my zits alone!!


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Jun 2, 2014

Sara C.

I don't have bad skin, or acne problems, but when I get a zit, I can't leave it alone! I pick at it (I know I know, it's awful for my skin) and when It tries to heal, I can't leave it be! I get mad at myself for it, I know it destroys the skin and I try, but I just can't leave it alone an by the time they stay flat so I can't feel them as much, the look/turn into scars :/ any tips as to how to get rid of them before I do to much damage or how I stop?? I hate doing it and I am afraid I am going to completely mess up my skin forever.

Jun 2, 2014

Chrissie P.

Put some bio oil on it, that way it'll heal, and if you touch it, your fingers are going to get all greasy. Greasy fingers means greasy phone screen, which is super annoying!

Jun 2, 2014

Sara C.

Where can I find spot treatment masks?

Jun 2, 2014

Sara C.

Thanks Jacqlyn and Chrissie!!

Jun 2, 2014

Gabriella H.

I totally feel you on this, I have a disorder called Dermatillomania, its a compulsive skin picking disorder.. so I'm sorry I can't really help :(

Jun 3, 2014

Lizzie T.

I feel you girly. I used to pick at acne and 2 years later I still have minor scarring. Just think about how worse your skin will be if you pick at them and not letting them heal. Hope I helped!

Jun 4, 2014

Cami J.

It's odd...But if it's a strong need kind of feel...it could be a legit mental disorder. It is weird but my friend did have it. When you get a spot you want to pick, never use strong acne medications that sting, that makes it more appealing to pick. Use something soothing. Of course It will take longer to heal but you will be less inclined to pick at it.