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May 31, 2014

Kaitlin M.

I picked this up yesterday when I was food shopping because it was only $1.49. What a deal! I was wondering if any of you have used this on your hair. I looked up reviews on makeup alley and I couldn't find any. Thank you! 💋

May 31, 2014

Ashley C.

It's okay. I would suggest doing it before you shampoo to keep your hair from being weighed down.

May 31, 2014

Caitriona H.

I've used the one in the little plastic tube by the same company. Completely agree with Ashley. Its only okay, I rub mine through my hair then add conditioner or a different hair mask on top for an hour or two before a shower :)

May 31, 2014

Kaitlin M.

Okay, thank you girls!