I bleached my hair! Now what?


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May 31, 2014

Shaye M.

Yes it will :) it may fade over the next few weeks though because of the initial bleaching but another box dye would fix that and it'd be the colour you want :)

May 31, 2014

Shaye M.

If you don't mind it being a little darker brown in some bits (like your fringe) I don't think it needs another bleach :)

May 31, 2014

Meghan B.

You'd probably get a little red showing through - red can be hard to get rid without completely taking the colour out. You need to wait a while for the colour to settle before you try and dye it again though or it won't stick

May 31, 2014

Meghan B.

Honestly, you need to wait for your roots to start showing if you're going to use a box dye. I know it's horrible, believe me. I had an awful bleach job and had to wait for my roots to show in order to dye it again. If you don't you could just be wasting your money.
Just keep it moisturised and condition it often to help prepare the hair.

May 31, 2014

Erica M.

You should be fine ash has a green tone to it and that will tone out the red...but box colors do tend to fade fast you should have an extra at hand so you can retouch when needed.

May 31, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

It depends if the extensions are cheap or not. I had some cheap ones that wouldnt even dye. and they were blonde. but ny expensive ones died with no problem.

May 31, 2014

Kaitlyn C.

But I wouldn't think they'd turn green :)

May 31, 2014

Aurora S.

The ash blonde extensions will turn green is the color is a bit off. Like if it's more than two levels different then the blonde will turn green. You'd need a filler color to avoid that from happening. Like using a temporary light brown and then using the ash brown to color it

May 31, 2014

Erica M.

Add any color that says Neutral tone on it and that should be good.