Whitehead Help Please??


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Jan 23, 2014

Sydney C.

I have a whitehead on my cheek and I was wondering if there are any ways to get rid of it? Thanks! :)

Jan 23, 2014

Rebecca V.

Steam your face over a bowl of hot water for about ten minutes and.gently squeeze it! But not too hard:)

Jan 23, 2014

Kitty K.

Take a needle and sterilize it using alcohol.
Clean out the area, and lightly poke the white head with the needle.
Popping a pimple is like popping a balloon - it's easier to pop a balloon with a needle than to squeeze it.
Then wrap both your index fingers in tissue and gently squeeze the puss out of the white head. Clean up afterwards.
Popping it with pressure is not a great idea, you also risk getting more white heads in the area as you can't control what direction the puss is coming out. Make sure you clean up the area afterwards ( a toner, witch hazel ) and you can apply either crushed oatmeal or some aloe vera to get rid of any redness. ( There won't be any more redness than what you started with, especially since you aren't irritating the skin in this manner. ) and apply any spot treatment.
Don't steam your face, thats actually very bad for it. You get the same result of steaming your face by applying a warm compress to your skin. And you only risk getting bacteria into pores and having more whiteheads form.

Jan 23, 2014

Sarah L.

^ how do you squeeze a white head those things are impossible?😨

Jan 23, 2014

Kitty K.

@Sarah Not impossible, I used to squeeze them all the time! Just very painful... using a needle is so much quicker and does not hurt ☺

Jan 23, 2014

Kayla B.

Agree 100% with kitty take the needle to peel the initial layer or skin uncovering the white head tip usually after it will release its self then clean up and apply small amount of pressure and it will release easily.

Jan 23, 2014

Kayla B.

After apply a spot treatment cream into the open pore if you have one.