To girls who used to have acne!!


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Jan 20, 2014

Lauren L.

Please tell me how you cleared up and what you used thanks :)

Jan 20, 2014

Lizzy W.

Accutane! Nothing else worked for me. I'd tried all of the scrubs and DIY masks and fancy skincare systems, as well as several different acne medications, and although some of them improved my skin, none of them were able to clear my skin completely. If your acne is hormonal you will have a hard time getting rid of it without some help from your doc or dermatologist. Here are some acne tips:

Jan 20, 2014

Lauren L.

Thanks a lot!

Jan 20, 2014

Lily L.

I used this in the morning and at night and I drink lots of water

Jan 20, 2014

Rebecca B.

Mine used to be awful, after I got my clarisonic mine cleared up in less than a month.

Jan 20, 2014

Shannon B.

I go with all natural. Personally I think anything with a chemical is bad for your skin.
I used to have really bad acne. But here is what I did.
I have already told you about the lemons that I have done. Just look at your profile :)
Then I got a cleansing brush. I use it to help take off my makeup also I just use regular soap when I do any washing. So I also use it while I am in the shower. When you are in the shower start off with warm water to open the pores on your face and then use the cleansing brush and wash your face. It will clean the pores out for you. Then do the rest if yourself. Then turn the water to cool water. This closes the pores.
Also I take water and put some lemon juice in it. It's a detox with cleans. I still do it and it really helps. Do it in the morning. Also drink lots of water.

Jan 20, 2014

Lauren L.

Thanks Lily!

Jan 20, 2014

Lauren L.

Thank you Shannon!

Jan 20, 2014

Lauren L.

Oh yeah I read your answer on my profile I'll had to try that.

Jan 20, 2014

Lauren L.

*have to

Jan 20, 2014

Gracie M.

I used clearisal wipes I got from CVS. I love them so much!

Jan 20, 2014

Bridget C.

I struggled heaps with my acne! I used so many different types of creams and washes but nothing worked. I went to a beautician and she did some work on it but each time would cost me a heap! She advised to go to a doctor or dermatologist about it because it was scarring acne and needed to be fixed as soon as possible. I was put on the Yasmin pill and after a few months my skin is amazing! I do not have any breakouts at all anymore, it's very rare for me to get a blemish! I still have scars however

Jan 21, 2014

Lauren L.

Thank you everybody I seriously hope one day to have a success story too:)

Jan 21, 2014

Adrian R.

I cured my acne after 8 years of fight, then I made this website to help others

Jan 21, 2014

Whisper B.

I used an antibiotic for my face, it got rid of all of that nastiness on my face.

Jan 22, 2014

Berkeley K.

I went to the doctor and was put on antibiotic pills and prescribed a topical ointment to use :) it got worse before it got better, but I'm SO glad I stuck to it because now my skin is great!!

Jan 23, 2014

Liz R.

proactiv :)