Blemishes won't go away >:(


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Jan 26, 2014

Kaitlin G.

I get blemishes all the time but I don't have that bad of oily skin. I broke out next to my nose, under my eye where everyone can see it.___. Its been there for a week! I wash my face everyday, I tried cream, pore cleaner, face wipes, face masks :( and its still as big and red as it was a week ago!! I need help thanks.

Jan 26, 2014

Harneet K.

I would suggest using a foundation or BB cream to even out the tone of your skin, if the blemishes are red. This wouldn't damage your pores, since you already use cleaner. other than that, maybe you wanna try Proactive? Sorry love.

Jan 26, 2014

Lisa M.

I don't know all that much about skin care because mines pretty simple but I do know from a few ladies on here who are skin care experts that you've been using WAY too much! As they would put it your skin is very upset from using so many products so close together. I know just the mask alone they would say to only use it 3 times a month @ the most! So my advice would be stick to washing it with a cleanser with salicylic acid in it like Neutragena Oil Free Acne wash (what I use & the girls always recommend for acne & blackheads) & use one type of spot treatment with (benzoyl peroxide) in it! Also, a face that's not oily enough (dry) will break out like crazy! I know its common to think "Oil causes acne, so dry it out & the acne will dry up!" Totally false!! Acne is caused by bacteria, usually from some sort of dirt. Even sleeping with a hand under your cheek can break you out unless your hand is practically sterile! (I had some acne issues in my teen years & learned most of this then) But as I was saying, after you wash your face & if you use toner, after that, pat dry your face & immediately put on your moisturiser & then the spot treatment after the moisturiser has had a few to soak in your skin! I hope this helps!! I totally recommend you get on here during the day when Traci or Shelly are on here for any other tips! Good luck! I know it SUX so bad :-(

Jan 26, 2014

Kaitlin G.

Yeah it does suck :/ but thanks for the help!! <3.

Jan 26, 2014

Kaitlin G.

Tamara you skin look great!! (: my skin is oily around my nose, and then normal to dry every where else ^.^ I mostly break out in my nose area and around my forehead by my hair line.

Jan 26, 2014

Kaitlin G.

I will definitely try this!! Can you buy murad at ulta?

Jan 26, 2014

Amanda P.

I've suffered from cystic, pustules, blackheads since I was 15. I'm 32. I have found that less is truly more and not switching it up. I also found that now being older, my teenage hormones played into my skin issues and there's no cleanser to fix that aspect. My skin is always dry. Never has been oily so the culprit was hard to pinpoint. Try literally letting your face breathe for a week. Wash only with warm water and a soft cloth to gently exfoliate. No soap. Let your skin and your immune system heal this darn thing. Simple makeup or maybe just mascara and a very light powder throughout the day to keep you at least feeling decent ab your skin when you leave the house for the week. Pimples are mini infections and sometimes we attack them too harshly. If it not budged in a week, make an appointment this week for the dermatologist so next week when it's still there, you can get right in to see them. No time wasted. If its getting better, your choice and just cancel. You've probably tried everything to get orris of it and irritated from the outside and it's irritated from the inside too. I'm sorry. I've been there. :)

Jan 26, 2014

Kaitlin G.

Thanks that was very helpful!!