Natural Bleaching Remedies?


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Jan 26, 2014

Marina S.

Ok so I have this hair on my top lip it's not super noticeable but it bugs me when I look in the mirror so I wanna bleach it was wondering if anyone has natural remedies I saw a few about tomatoe juice and one about lemons and honey do they work?? any one have ideas for me.

Jan 26, 2014

Diana J.

I doubt that natural remedies can help you with this:/ I think these will rather burn your skin than bleach the hairs, it requires very much time:-)

Jan 26, 2014

Marina S.

Ok thanks it's not super bad just starting to b noticeable I think I'm just going to go buy some facial bleach any recommendations??

Jan 26, 2014

Diana J.

I,ve never used facial bleach. Also got only few hairs and pluck them:-)