I burned myself


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Jan 26, 2014

Ashley H.

So I burned myself at work today and now it's all bubbled up and I really don't want it to scar!! How do I get it to go down!!? ðŸ˜’😡😱

Jan 26, 2014

Shiro M.

Ouch :( Put cool water and aloe Vera on it. Aloe is extremely good for burns and such.

Jan 26, 2014

Natasha N.


Jan 26, 2014

Ashley H.

I didn't think about that and I don't have neosporin I allergic:/

Jan 26, 2014

Khushbu K.

Rub egg white over it..

Jan 26, 2014

Khushbu K.

I'm sorry I didn't mean to say rub.. just put egg white over the burn..

Jan 26, 2014

Kyraa D.

I'm with Shiro.
cold water on the burn as soon as possible & then Aloe Vera.
Aloe Vera is perfect for burns of any kind (:

Jan 26, 2014

Christy F.

Oh my gawd...was literally just about to post exactly the same thing! Mine happened at work too :( The coffee machine spurted out boiling hot water onto me and now I have a massive bubbly burn on my belly :( naww x hope your burn gets better :( and let's hope it doesn't scar either!! :)

Jan 26, 2014

Christina C.

Agree with Shiro, just make sure its 100% put aloe Vera, not that stuff you put on after you tan.

Jan 26, 2014

Jordan D.

Toothpaste!! Mint makes it feel much better.

Jan 26, 2014

Caitlin M.

Don't put toothpaste on it!! There's all kinds of chemicals that are not good for un-burned skin, I can't imagine what it could do to already burnt skin. As the other ladies have suggested use 100% aloe vera gel. It's natural, gentle and soothing.

Jan 26, 2014

Ashley H.

Christy F. I have a burn like that as well, because I spilled bacon grease on me. It scarred because I did a backhand spring and popped it:/ DONT POP IT.

Jan 26, 2014

Christy F.

Do.not. pop... Gotcha ;) oh just looks so ugly! Already got so many bloody scars n burns on my body! Not self inflicted, I'm just unlucky Spose haha! Does anyone know if I will always have a massive uneven pink blob there now? For always? :(

Jan 26, 2014

Christy F.

And oooo bacon grease youch!! :/

Jan 26, 2014

Christina C.

No the bubble will go away.

Jan 26, 2014

Natasha N.

Toothpaste helps too but you have to apply it the moment it happens. If you have an open wound or it has a bubble you need something more serious

Jan 26, 2014

Tiffany S.

It's probably going to scar :/

Jan 26, 2014

Jaden C.

I got terrible grease stains all over my face (mostly my eye lid area) and I put triple antibiotic ointment on it. I'm not sure if that's the same as neosporin..? After about a week the little blisters flaked off & I don't have any scars.

Jan 26, 2014

Jaden C.

Omg not stains burns**

Jan 26, 2014

Shrishma D.

I had a burn that bubbled. and I did put aloe vera. so what I have now is a light brown scar. you could consult a doctor. he could prescribe a lotion for burn scars
aloe vera helps. but not all the way ):

Jan 26, 2014

Shrishma D.

And the bubble will go down in a couple days even if you dnt put anything. so no worries! except for d scar :/

Jan 26, 2014

Amanda G.

My friend had told me that opening a tomato n putting it on your burn makes it way better :) never tried it thoe so I don't know lol.

Jan 26, 2014

Jenna A.

Burn cream works like a charm... It leaves little to know scars. Tough most of them have to be described by a doctor. Try asking your local pharmacist. And whatever you do DON't STOP putting cool stuff (like ice on cold water on it) but do take breaks for five mins or so