How to get rid of eye bags?


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Jan 11, 2014

Lea M.

I always have eye bags,sometimes they get bigger and blue. I am tired most of the time and have some health problems so I need a new way because honestly,make up isn't covering anything. Please help :)

Jan 11, 2014

Nicolet K.

Sleep early (I think its 7-8 hours of sleep)
Eat healthy

Jan 11, 2014

Hannah K.

Are they genetic?

Jan 11, 2014

Lea M.

No,only I have them.

Jan 11, 2014

Shiro M.

Get lots of rest and drink lots of water.

Jan 11, 2014

Hannah K.

But like, have you had them your whole life?

Jan 11, 2014

Delight s.

low iron?

Jan 11, 2014

Troi W.

If you freeze 2 spoons for about 2 hours and then place them on your bags and massage them around. It sounds crazy but it works!

Jan 11, 2014

Hannah R.

This will sound really cray cray crazy! But I promise it worked for me! Slice a cold potato and use a thin slice for each eye for like 5 minutes! It feels amazing on your eyes and the potatoes leave this relaxing feeling on your eyes! It's really weird but a really awesome trick! Keep the other potato slices in a fridge and use them!

Jan 11, 2014

Diane H.

9/10 people have them. sleeping early and eating right will minimize them. you can reduce their appearences with concealer.

Jan 11, 2014

Mackenzi B.

Water really helps, lotion too. Really like clinique dramatically different lotion for this purpose.

Jan 11, 2014

Keiana H.

Hot green tea bags on your eyes (:

Jan 12, 2014

Melanie F.

Getting enough sleep and water are sooo important. you can try cold cucumbers on your eyes c: also make sure that you arent pulling at the skin there. be gentle with it and try out some eye creams. try sleeping with your face up. eat less salt.