HELP! Really Dry, Crackly Skin From the Neutrogena Microdermabrasion System.


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Jan 9, 2014

Galina P.

So every once in a while (about once every month or two) I use this Neutrogena Microdermabrasion System thingy. In the past it has brought pretty good results: soft skin, reduced pore size, brighter skin, etc. But I used this for the first time in over a month and wow... not what I was expecting.
For the day after I used this product (which I used pretty gently), my skin was super soft and super bright. I put some extra pressure on my forehead because I thought it needed some attention.
Today, two days after using the product, my skin is suddenly super duper dry... but the think is I use moisterizer before I go to bed during the winter, so my skin shouldn't be dry. I have this dry skin around my nose, on one upper cheek and it's the worst on my nosebridge and forehead. Like, really bad. I feel like my forehead is made of elephant skin - that's what it looks like. I'm so confused because this has never happened to me before with this product.
More information about my skincare: occasionally, when I have a really bad pimple or zit, which int often at all, I put toothpaste on it and the pimple usually goes away in two or three days. After getting back from travelling this winter break, my skin was acting up a little bit and so I put toothpaste on my problem areas where I was breaking out, but I combined it with moisturizer to even things out and the next night I used clearsil without moisturizer.
When I got home today, I put some moisturizer on the dry spots.

So, long story short, I need to get rid of this gross dry skin on my face! I feel like it's going to start flaking or peeling like a sunburn; the skin looks pretty dead to me.
Ahh I don't know what to do! I'm grateful for any imput about how to deal with this now and what to do in the future.

(sorry if this post is too long; this is my first time using this site.)

TL;DR: I used the Neutrogena Microdermabrasion System (pretty gently) for the first time in over a month... My skin didn't take it well. Not sure if it has to do with my attempts to prevent acne... but either way, certain parts of my face look like elephant butt. Any ideas are helpful.

Jan 9, 2014

Bry R.

Hm. Skin changes a lot. Maybe change some products? Use a heavier moisturizer? It's probably a good idea to be flexible with your skin especially during the cold dry months. Maybe you have developed a sensitivity to it? As for your skin, maybe try a gentle homemade exfoliant. It will flake and peel off. I had the same exact problem with some stuff I use to use and had to find something else because my skin changed. I'm not a skincare guru so I'm not completely sure. Just do some research :) hope a helped a bit at least