Dandruff help!😔


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Dec 16, 2012

Emily P.

I've had dandruff for years. A little here, a little there. But the past month it's been really bad. To a point where I'm embarrassed someone will see and be completely horrified. I can't even believe I'm putting this on here.. But I just don't know what to do... I'm tried head and shoulders, t-gel and I've been using tea tree shampoo recently which doesn't seem to be helping..... I don't know what to do.

Dec 16, 2012

Amy E.

I was going to recommend t gel as it seems to work for everyone I know but I see you've tried it already. Could you possibly have psoriasis or something? Maybe you should visit a dr.

Dec 16, 2012

Amy E.

Oh and I know that there is a medicated shampoo containing tar that is used for skin conditions of the scalp. Maybe try something like that?

Dec 16, 2012

Emily P.

I feel like I might have psoriasis. But I'm not sure... I honestly don't know where I would go to find out if I did. And I used t gel such a long time ago, I feel like I thought it would be magic and use it once and gone. But if you've heard it working extremely well for others, maybe I should suck it up and try it again.

Dec 16, 2012

Amy E.

Everyone I've known that gas had dandruff and used t gel has had positive results. If you have a condition like psoriasis though it might not be as effective. You could just go to a regular dr or a dermatologist. And also look into the tar shampoo.

Dec 16, 2012

Amy E.


Dec 16, 2012

Emily P.

Thank you so much Amy.

Dec 17, 2012

Zaire C.

Use head and shoulders it might help some 

Dec 17, 2012

Amy E.

No problem, Emily. I hope you find something that works for you :)

Zuri F.

Dec 17, 2012

Zuri F.

the tar shampoo is called polytar and comes in different strengths, ones had to be prescribed from a Dr and you may have sebboric dermatitis Which is worse than dandruff. look into the products you put in your hair too. 

Dec 17, 2012

Ema D.

My husband had dandruff really bad. Someone told me about Paul Mitchell tea tree shampoo. It did the trick. Buy a small bottle and try it out. It really good. Please don't get it in your eyes.

Dec 17, 2012

Brandie B.

I use head & shoulders at least once a week & it helps me. If you're not finding relief in products go see a derm (if you have health ins or can afford it). I know dandruff is like acne. It can take a toll on your self esteem. 

Dec 17, 2012

Angie P.

I had the exact same problem for over a year I used tar shampoo seldom blue it helped but eventually it came back I went to the doctors and they gave me this really strong shampoo and I have not itched my hair for about a month straight and all my new hairs are starting to grow in so I feel re leaved I lost a lot of hair and acquired a bald spot But glady I'm getting new growth

Dec 17, 2012

Lashes X.

Used head & shoulders. Tried T Gel medicated shampoos then came across Body Shop Ginger Shampoo , miraculous results from 1st wash. Continues to work well. And it's so cheap too X

Dec 17, 2012

Ilana E.

I'm not suggesting you buy it from this site I just wanted to show you what the bottle looked like. This stuff has done the trick for my mom head and shoulders was not cutting it I recently have been experiencing minor dandruff problems but I use this every other time I wash my hair because my problem is minor and I rarely see dandruff. I know there's no cure for it but this shampoo does minimize it. And on the plus side it smells really good 😄💆

Dec 17, 2012

Jade C.

It takes 6 months for your hair to get use to the shampoo .. It could just be a dry scalp or like you said dandruff ... Just massage the shampoo onto your scalp. :) 

Dec 17, 2012

Amanda W.

before i even read your second post i was thinking it was psoriasis. the same things happening to me... i think its the weather. Apparently my mother was told that I have a scalp disease by a hairdresser yrs ago. You'll have to see a dermatologist. Don't go messing with a bunch of stuff on your already sebsitive scalp please! I know the dandruff is embarassing but if it is psoriasis you could irritate it even more and none of those dandruff shampoos will help. Also, have you been using a lot of moisturising shampoos and conditioners? That's what I tried at first thinking it would moisturise my scalp.. nope. If you are, try switching. I found that helped for me inmediately.

Dec 17, 2012

Spencer B.

Get the mens American Crew shampoo in the store that says dandruff something! It works! Scrub your scalp when u wash

Dec 17, 2012

Emily P.

Amanda, the weather thing makes so much sense... I just moved to Tennessee a month ago from Florida and obviously the weather is the complete opposite. I never thought of that!

Dec 17, 2012

Emily P.

Thank you everyone, I don't know what I would do without you guys! 😍😍

Dec 17, 2012

Angelina M.

Garnier fructis dandruff shampoo works good for me and it doesn't have the smell of a dandruff shampoo.

Dec 17, 2012

Amanda W.

Ya I live in Canada lol so it always gets really bad for me as soon as the really cold winter weather and the hot, humid summer weather hits. 

Dec 18, 2012

Emily P.

Amanda, I went to the dr today and it's psoriasis :/

Dec 18, 2012

Vaishnavi T.

Consult a dermatologist.... Or go to medical store n ask for medicated shampoo which contain ketoconazole in it.... I had the dsame problem 2 weeks before but now my scalp is clean... And dont forget to oil ur hairs once a week ,

Dec 18, 2012

Amanda W.

Really?! good thing you didn't use any of those medicated shampoos. So what'd the doc order?