Nose piercing questions?


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Jul 6, 2014

Danica M.

I got my nose pierced two days ago, I'm going tubing this week at the lake, would I be able to swim? It's an "L shaped piercing" how long should you wait?

Jul 6, 2014

Jess S.

Maybe wait a while... I'm not sure about details on nose piercing... But I would wait
Like with any piercing wait 6 weeks maybe??

Jul 6, 2014

Jorie C.

already two months

Jul 6, 2014

Jorie C.

I meant at least two months.

Jul 6, 2014

Arianne C.

Yeah, I wouldn't go swimming for at least 4 weeks if you must go swimming. Especially in fresh water. Freshwater harbors bacteria a lot more than saltwater or even a chlorine pool.

Jul 6, 2014

Shaye M.

I agree with Jorie, I'd wait as long as possible.

Jul 6, 2014

Carolina L.

If you absolutely have to swim put a bandage over it. It's not good to swim with new piercings

Jul 6, 2014

Emily B.

Wait. it could get infected.

Jul 7, 2014

Chelsea V.

Maybe buy a cheap hoop piercing that you have to bend together, and also I recommend a ponytail shaped stud. I think you need to wait a bit before going into the water and especially going tubing.

Jul 7, 2014

Rachel L.

Wait a while before swimming! I've had my nose pierced for almost a year and after 6 months of having it pierced I went swimming in the ocean and it STILL got infected.

Jul 7, 2014

taelor h.

I actually pierce &have for years, you could go tubing, my suggestions to you would be 1. be very cautious not to pull it out, the L's can easily be pulled out.
2. maybe cut a piece of a bandaid, the sticky part of course &put it over the piercing its self, thus to unsure that not toooo much gets into it. slight protection, better than nothing.
&3. CLEAN CLEAN CLEAN after. non-Iodized sea salt &warm water.
you should be fine. Any other questions feel free to ask for my number to text me. I'm available pretty much all day.(: other than That good luck &have fun.!

Jul 7, 2014

Sophia F.

Bad idea. You have to wait at least 4 weeks. Although, you can get those wound cover type things that are water proof (almost like a band aid but not really).I did this for my belly button piercing and I didn't get no nasty infections or irritation. just be cautious cause they come out easily