Solutions for Dark underarms.


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Jul 3, 2014

Bri A.

Dark coloured underarms any solutions would really be appreciated!! :)

Wash your under arms really well, to get rid of sweat and deodorant

Jul 3, 2014

Wesleigh P.

Bleach your under arms.

Jul 3, 2014

Ciciii C.

Bleach is to harsh.

Jul 4, 2014

Briana B.

What I do. Is when I shower I put baking soda & coconut oil & scrub that under my underarms it makes your underarms look much lighter. & it works great.

Jul 4, 2014

Summer S.


Jul 5, 2014

Olivia A.

I've heard you can make some kind of baking soda mixture to help. Make sure to exfoliate and wash rlly well!

Jul 5, 2014

Cher W.

Washing isnt enough. razors irritate the skin, or it can be a hormone thing as well. lemon has good skin lightening properties WITHOUT scarring. bleaching creams tend to cause scarring and have been linked to cancer.

Jul 6, 2014

Aurora S.

Baking soda and lemon juice are a lot more harsh then using an over the counter bleaching product like Nadinola which only has 3% lightening ingredient but it actually works very well.

Try exfoliating and don't shave as much. Use a product that slows down the hair growth and you don't have to shave as often. I like the "Hair don't grow there" cream from target.

Jul 7, 2014

Charlese C.

Don't shave try waxing the friction of the razor is one of the min causes of underarm darkness as well with in the bikini area try dove go sleeveless as well it takes time but it'll begin to lighten.