Question About Exfoliate


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Jun 29, 2014

Amy S.

Baking soda could break you out it if I don't acidify your skin after.

Rice flour... yogert mask, manuka honey... does mot have to be granular to exfoliate... enzymaic exfoliation is better for skin.

Jun 29, 2014

Karen L.

I always used brown sugar & honey :)

Jun 29, 2014

Amy S.

Don't use sugar on face... the crystals are jaggy, scratch the corneum, damage lipid barrier, destorying skins protective layer. Leaving skin open to bacterial growth, sensitvity, increased dryness, transepidermal water loss, premature ageing, free radical damage, and a host of other inflammatory isssues.

Jun 29, 2014

Diana T.

Sugar works great as a gentle natural exfoliant it melts at body temperature so it's very gentle - you can combine it with honey to make a nice scrub

Jun 29, 2014

Ciciii C.

When I use sugar it has a different effect with my body/face. For my face it makes it soft. I never see pimples , break outs , or anything from the sugar. I love making sugar scrubs. If you let it sit in the water , and let it disinertegrate. It would be even nicer to my skin.

Jun 29, 2014

Amy S.

If you like it use it... but don't recommend it... it is bad for face. Look up some images of what granular exfoliants do to outlayers of skin. Also reseach skin phys. and what happens when you strip off acid mantle.

I spend a lot time working with people of all ages fix damage they have done to their skin, and educating how skin works.

Your skin is still turning over fast, so you may out notice how harsh the sugar is. When thise cells slow down, the skin is not so forgiving.

Jun 29, 2014

Meghan B.

Baking soda can cause microdermabrasion. In fact, I think most natural exfoliants do. Lush probably has a good natural exfoliant though.

Jun 29, 2014

Amy S.

Yeah, I'm pretty sure in this... but to each there own.

Theres lots of studies on this... and clinical data

Jun 29, 2014

Diana T.

Yes but clinical studies on skin care products have not produced any conclusive data because everyone's skin is different and something that might appear bad for one person may or may not have the same effect on another - those studies are just marketing ploys to get people to buy what products that dermatologists salaries are supported by - same with the medical industry - they prescribe certain drugs to keep their pay checks - if you don't believe me just watch the Dallas buyers club and do some research of your own - the best thing to do is listen to your skin and figure out what works best for you - yes it's always best to consult a professional but even they do not always have all the answers - and no one knows your skin better than you do - so I say if it works for you then keep doin what you doin - if It aint broke don't fix it but that's just my personal opinion and I personally find the medical industry sickening but like I said it's just my opinion and everyone is entitled to their own for sure :)

Jun 29, 2014

Karen L.

I didn't know about this 😦 sugar has always worked for me but I don't use it regularly hahah maybe once a month. I use Retin A to exfoliate my skin :)

Jun 29, 2014

Ciciii C.

Hmm?. None of that happened. But have to remember everyones different.

Jun 29, 2014

Amy S.

Ok... not all clinicals are associated with skincare companies. I don't read those. Independent studies, medical texts... the skin, fucntions, systems of the body... are universal.

Its a lot to takein... but if you reseach the acid mantle, transepidermal waterloss... I have no reason to be stubbon about thus, other then actually caring. Alot. Its why I picked this field,and why I hope my experience aids this forum.

Much respect ladies.

Jun 29, 2014

Kelly M.

I use organic sugar

Jun 29, 2014

Parnika J.

Yeah Amy your experience and suggestions always aids this forum.. I also agree with Diana that everyone's skin is different and one had to figure out the right thing. But certain procedures/products are damaging to the skin. only thing is the extent of damage. to some it may do less harm and to some more. We can just give our opinions and suggestions..

Jun 29, 2014

Sophie T.

Thanks Amy. Do you have any natural suggestions besides sugar?

Jun 29, 2014

Amy S.

I mentioned them above.

Jul 1, 2014

Jane C.

Wow thanks Amy, I am going to stop using baking soda today.