Best facial wash??


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Mar 10, 2014

Mally M.

Mine has begun to stop working because I've used it for too long , any ideas??

Mar 10, 2014

Emilie W.

Oil of Olay! :*

Mar 10, 2014

Jennifer M.

Best advice is find one you like that does not have micro beads in it,that stuff tears the skin. Avoid alcohol as a ingredient, alcohol damages skin cells and drys you out. Sodium laurel Sulfate is not per say bad, but many are sensitive or allergic to it. It can causes a dermatitis that looks like acne. Find a toner, face wash and moisturizer you like, and use all three. Face wash is only one step in a good skincare regimen. Don't forget your sunscreen either. UVA/UVB rays cause cumulative damage to the skin that causes wrinkles. It takes years to show up on your skin like smoking does, start now. SPF in moisturizer is common now, look for at least SPF 15 for daily use.

Mar 10, 2014

Shelley W.

Cleansers don't stop working due to using them too long. If you aren't properly exflioating your skin then you won't reap the benefits of any cleanser because it doesn't remove anything that sits on the top layer...dead skin and debris. My mom is 65 years old and has been using the same cleanser for 32 years...its all about your overall skincare regime.

Mar 10, 2014

Jessica P.

Whatever you do don't use the st Ives apricot scrub every day...its actually not good for your skin...its very abrasive and over time can damage your skin causing tiny tears in your skin.

Mar 10, 2014

Roz X.

Philosophy Purity and Philosophy Micro delivery Wash twice a week..very gentle.

Autumn Hope F.

Mar 10, 2014

Autumn Hope F.

Shelley said it all :) I really like Nuetrogena Naturals purifying facial cleanser.

Mar 10, 2014

Valerie J.

Black soap..can't beat it...

Mar 11, 2014

Leslie S.

I use the same as Rozberry, philosophy has some amazing products.

Mar 13, 2014

Cassandra M.

I really like Basis or Simple Face Wash.