How To Get Rid Of Breakouts?


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Mar 13, 2014

Lucy C.

My skin has been breaking out a lot lately around my nose and forehead. how do I get rid of it fast? thanks!

Mar 13, 2014

Anna J.

Dilute one drop tea tree oil to one drop water.( you can use as much as you like but make sure to have that same ratio) and apply it with a q tip to the affected area

Mar 13, 2014

Lisa S.

When I get bad breakouts, the best thing for me to do is try mask (I like Queen Helene's Mint Julep or Biore Charcoal Mask, but they are pretty drying so use a moisturizer; I like CeraVe Moisturizing Lotion or Aveeno Clear Complexion). I also like using Toners (Witch Hazel, Neutrogena Rapid and Murad is really good too).

Mar 13, 2014

Paige S.

Try This!!Works Sooo Good.

Mar 13, 2014

Paige S.

Amen Jacqlyn!