Nose Jobs - Vain or Justifiable.


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Feb 28, 2014

Zoey A.

I have really, really, really hated my nose my whole life. I feel like it's my worst detracting feature, even above my skin and forehead. I've been really considering saving up for a nose job, but I'm scared it'll turn out bad, or even worse than before. What do you guys think about nose jobs? Pointless and for the vain? Or justifiable in certain circumstances?

Feb 28, 2014

Abigail H.

I think if it will make you feel better about yourself and give you confidence, then you should go for it!

Feb 28, 2014

Brittany B.

You have a PERFECT nose! You need to accept your nose and love it because there are many good things about it & no bad things! :)

Feb 28, 2014

Miko C.

Your nose looks adorable to me! But in the end it is your body and your decision. Make sure you are 100% wanting to do it, because it's a lot of money, a permanent change, and there will be some pain of course. I also agree with Jacqlyn- give it lots of time and thought. A couple of years back I was also considering having work done on my face. But I also kind of grew out of it and am going to use the thousands of dollars for traveling instead hehe. All in all, think carefully about the pros and cons, and do tons of research!

Feb 28, 2014

Kyraa D.

I personally hate my nose too :/ it completely ruins my face & profile, so to me, it's completely justifiable. I think if you feel that getting a nose job would make you feel better about yourself & have more self confidence, then I say go for it!
I absolutely 100% recommend doing your research first tho, not only in the procedure but in different doctors as well. my mom got a nose job & it turned out.. terribly :s it looks fine, but they messed up her sinuses & the inside of her nose. she can't smell now :c

Feb 28, 2014

Zoey A.

I feel like it's just such a huge, noticeable, ugly thing on my face. All my idols have these petite, small, thin noses, and it's so hard to find myself attractive, because whenever I look at my face, I zero in on it.

Feb 28, 2014

Kyraa D.

Btw, you can always contour your nose & make it look smaller. I guarantee all of your idols contour their noses to make it look smaller.

Feb 28, 2014

Zoey A.

If I do end up getting it done, it probably wouldn't be for a couple years. It's really something I'm one foot forward, one foot back about.

Feb 28, 2014

Lisa S.

I agree with the others, your nose is cute! But anyways definitely try contouring (btw don't use a bronzer to contour; use a contour palette or a few shades darker foundation than your skin) it seriously makes a hugeeeeee difference. But at the end of the day,
if you aren't happy with it and have the money, then do it if you really want it.

Feb 28, 2014

Megan N.

Totally justifiable, do what you need to make yourself feel attractive :)

Feb 28, 2014

Mackenzi B.

I think if you truly want a nose job, it's your right to do what you want to feel beautiful. It's no ones decision but yours. Do what ever you chose because YOU choose, not some one else.

Feb 28, 2014

Leamsy R.

We're all our own worst critic :) your nose fits your face. I'm against plastic surgery unless it's for more medical reasons OR when something is seriously keeping you from being happy/ living your life. If it's something you really want then go for it! Just be sure of it. Like kyra said maybe try contouring 😘

Feb 28, 2014

Flores T.

Don't do a nose job, your nose can't look prettier then it already is. Plus there are risks with every operation, they can screw it up you know. I really think you shoudn't focus so much on one part of yourself, it's the big picture that counts and like everyone says your nose looks perfectly fine.

Feb 28, 2014

Zoey A.

Thank you guys, I think I will wait a few years to see if I can learn to love my nose before I do something drastic.

Feb 28, 2014

Jordyn F.

Baby girl, I thin your nose is fine:) it not pudgy or fat! Or too slim and slender. Think about it, you wanna chance that possibility you might mess up your nose for good? I mean look at lil kim.. Go google bad nose jobs. There's always that slim chance of your nose job being horrible. It's up to you if you wanna take that risk. Xoxo.

Feb 28, 2014

Jordyn F.

Sorry I didn't see your comment above!

Feb 28, 2014

Zoey A.

Thank you, Jordyn. Your concern means a lot to me. :) :*

Feb 28, 2014

Shauna S.

Your nose looks fine, everyone has features they don't like about themselves but I really don't think a nose job is the answer. It could turn out bad or it could cause health issues. I'm all for it when people have breathing problems and need to get a nose job but I think it would be a waste of money to get it done because you don't like the way it looks. You need to embrace how beautiful you are. There are so many makeup techniques out there to change the way your nose looks.

Feb 28, 2014

Christi D.

Your nose looks great but if a nose job would make you feel better about yourself go for it!

Zoey A.

British Columbia, Canada