Lip Primer


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How do you prep your lips and hide pruny/wrinkled lips

Exfoiliate your lips and always keep them moist. EOS lip balm, car maxx or burts bees is good to have in your purse. Usually people wait till the end of makeup application to put lipstick on. But try to think of it as the first thing that needs to be done. Apply lip balm first. By the time you get to the end of your makeup application the lip balm as aborbed into your lips and ready for lipstick, gloss, lipliner etc.. Doing this and exfoliating everytime you feel dead skin should rejuvenate your lips.

Thanks Theresa. I have a lip scrub from Lush that I use and it works wonders. I will try and remember the lip balm.

Exfoiliate, and use some lip balm with SPF in it to condition your lips, and protect them from getting chapped or sun damage.