Dry Skin Please Help


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Dec 8, 2011

Sara A.

For as long as I can remember I have always had dry skin on my face. I don't even remember the last time I wore foundation because when I do it looks awful. I have bought scrubs and none of them work. Does anyone have a good cure for dry skin? It is mostly bad on my nose and chin. 

Dec 10, 2011

Jasmin A.

I'm not a skin expert, but I would suggest staying away from scrubs because they are probably making your skin more dry - and depending on how big the beads are. You could always try a tinted moisturizer if you haven't already, if you're looking for coverage.

As Jasmin A said, I ain't no Pro on skin problems, but this is what I do on mine.
I scrub 2 times a week(I found good scrubbing thingies, like sponges, in walgreens)

then the days I don't scrub, I sue juice beauty cleansing milk, which clean but don't dry the skin.

and then after this, I apply my moisturizer by kiehl's (Ultra Facial Cream) over night, but then the next morning I apply a bit more on the really dry patches, in my case, cheecks.

thats all I do, hope it helps

Dec 10, 2011

Huda A.

i just bloged bout my winter skin care routine, I duuno if this would help. I have a combo. skin but in the winter times its always DRY.
check this out if u like :), honest opinion :D
Just blogged about my Winter Morning skin care routine.
you will find my honest opinion & the products I use.
a step 2 step guide 2 a healthy, glowy, moisturised skin all winter long
thank u & good luck

Dec 10, 2011

Huda A.

Oh & I would say, use a rich night cream. this is very important, and over the days this will replenish lost moisture & make your skin beautiful.
try smoething with honey or royal jelly. like Burt's bees :)

I have skin that gets dry very easily.

I like to use Vaseline on my skin at night after I wash my face and then I DON'T wash it again in the morning. Also, washing it with a cream like Noxzema cleansing cream really helps calm the skin and it doesn't dry it out.

I apply another coat of moisturizer (with sunscreen) before applying makeup.

You can also try a super moisturizing mask if you're flaky. My all-time favorite is MD Formulations' Moisture Defense Antioxidant mask.

Dec 11, 2011

Angela W.

When all else fails, acid doesn't. Exfoliate with it (just google acid exfoliants); moisturize like crazy. And don't be afraid of oil on your face! (like coconut or argan oil).. slap some over some alpha hydroxy at night and you might get the skin you're looking for.  

Courtney A.

Dec 12, 2011

Courtney A.

I have extremely dry skin as well, it can be such a hassle.
A few times a week I will do this routine at night:
- exfoliate with laura mercier's exfoliating scrub
-apply my moisturizer and allow it to sink in all the way
-apply aqaphor's healing ointment and leave it on overnight

So the aquaphor healing ointment is basically mostly mineral oil (same with vaseline) which locks moisture into the skin. This is why I apply my moisturizer first. However, Be cautious if you have sensitive skin or your pores get clogged easily. Mineral oil traps moisture in, yes, but that is because it doesn't let the skin breathe. Your skin can't absorb it so for some people it can cause clogged pores/breakouts. I have never had a problem with it. But I would definitely wash it off in the morning and I probably wouldn't do it every single night

Dec 12, 2011

Meidy M.

during winter my skin tends to get dry so what i do is scrub my face with olive oil and sugar. i learned this trick from my moms friend and her skin is flawless!! this scrub really helped me out. Or maybe try using a hydrating mask? an avacado mask would help

Dec 15, 2011

Julie c.

I have the dryest skin and this winter isn't helping...
I started using a concoction i came across somewhere and altered it to fit my needs

I think it was initially said to be a makeup remover but i made it a remover/cleanser/mask
one part extra virgin olive oil & one part water ...
every night I take off my makeup with it.. and leave a bit sitting on my face.. maybe 2-5 minutes... then I rinse with a little water and rub in the oil .... then i cleanse it off with aveeno clear complexion cleanser
.. pat dry
and put on my moisturizer (i'm using the aveeno one)
In 2 weeks that i've been using it, it not only minimized most of my dry spots to just about disappearance; but it has minimized my pores and cleared me up... It's weird but I'm just glad it works... oh yeah and i haven't had skin this smooth since I was 12!!!
Good luck girlie :] 

Dec 15, 2011

Soma S.

Clarisonic can help exfoliate and CeraVe has a moisturizing cream in a tub that did wonders for my dry skin last year! You can find it at target, Walgreens, or cvs.