Highlighting the inner corner.


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Lately I have been seeing girls over do it on the highlighting on the inner corner of the eye.
I think they think it is what you are suppose to do verses what it's suppose to do to your eyes.

Do you think people put the highlight on cause they think it is a trend?

Sep 30, 2011

Jackee M.

It's possible that these girls have no clue that the purpose of highligting the inner corner is to open up the eyes/brighten up the area just a little.

They probably saw someone with the "the look" and just thought it looked cool.  

Sep 30, 2011

Alexis C.

At times I like to over highlight, haha as Jackee said I do think it looks cool, but it depends on the rest of the look and how I feel that day. But I Usually never go way overboard with the inner corner highlight like this http://solomag.se/killercolours/2011/09/re-post-one-of-the-most-popular-blog-posts-ive-ever-written/

Some days I like a stark inner corner with a smokey eyes other times I like to subtly highlight the inner corner to brighten up my eyes. Other times I like to add a duo chrome highlight or I like to do something bright like this
http://zoffe.blogspot.com/2010/04/tutorial-another-mac-dye-tribe-trend.html on its own. 

whoa to the first one...that is OD highlighting but to each its own. If you like it then that is all that should matter. 

Sep 30, 2011

Alexis C.

Haha the first one it was a joke post so she over highlighted on purpose. I think the horrible fake tan bad lashes and overly nude lips contributed to the overall feel of the look. The rest of her looks are really lovely though.

It depends on the person-look-mood, I like the overly highlighted look sometimes :)
The the second look you posted Alexis,Zoffe- I LOVE that look, I do that sometimes and I get compliments. The first picture, if she wouldn't have done the fake tan.....lol ........I would've liked that look for like a night on the town in NYC hahaha....maybe a little less highlighting but none the less she has beautiful eyes!

Sep 30, 2011

Soma S.

Alexis, that look is ganguro-esque... Not that it's a bad thing, but def reminds me of a minimal version of it.

Sep 30, 2011

Alexis C.

Soma, oh yeah I see that! I thought it was a take on the 'Guidette' look. which I guess could be seen as a minimal version of ganguro. 

Alexis, it wouldn't have been so hard to take in if her neck matched her face... But I do think she has piercing eyes. Strangely enough, I like some ganguro, and I like how you said "Guidette"... It's a hybrid take!

Alexis C. That is really funny. Looks like she used a can of self tan on her face : /
But like Alexis C said it was a joke post that the girl did. It wasn't an actual look.

Oct 18, 2011

Jen D.

I either use illamasqua medium pencil in vow or banana by gosh. I find that I have to always do my make up a little stronger as I work in a very bright environment, this some times makes my look a little much in the outside world. Lol but I still like it. May try a color next time. It's all for the fun of it.

I agree with you Andrew. There are no rules at all it is about expressing your self and painting your own canvas. But as for the basics do you think there are rules as in EX... Don't put a cream product over a powder product?

Oct 18, 2011

Mindy R.

I've always liked to highlight my inner corner. I feel like it opens up my eyes a little. However several years ago I went a little overboard before I went and got my drivers license and my picture looked like I had silver light beams coming out of the corners of my eyes. I've learned since then to tone it down a bit.  

Oct 18, 2011


I highlight my inner corners in whatever manner enhances and widens my almond-shaped eyes best for that look :) I think that at the end of the day, makeup is personal, makeup looks are personal, and people should represent themselves and their tastes in their application--whatever that means! If YOU feel confident with it, that's all that matters when you walk out the door ;)

@ Andrew yes guidelines is definitely the more appropriate word. I didnt read carefully to your other post OOPS ; ) I guess lack of sleep can lead to not reading EVERYTHING LOL : )