Applying eyeliner on irrited/wet corner of eye


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Apr 13, 2011

Nathalie V.

For the last week or so the lower, outer corner of one eye has been watery / burns a little, but I can't see anything actually wrong with it (no redness, markings, or swellings)

It will probably go away on its own but in the meantime, the frustrating part is that it tears a bit (wet) and even if I dab the corner of my eye with a kleenex just before applying eyeliner nothing will stick to that area.

I've tried Khol eyeliner, gel eyeliner, and even black eyeshadow using an angled brush.

Any tips on what I can apply there so I can put some eyeliner there? Now I have a small gap lol. It doesn't really show that much but still.


If you can, I would forsake make up near the eye area until whatever it is clears up. You don't want to irritate it further. 

Apr 14, 2011

Soma S.

I agree w/ Kristina. Your vision is not worth losing over lined eyes... but if you like to tempt fate [which I am just as guilty of from time to time...] - try MUFE Aqua eyes gel liner and set it w/ black eyeshadow. If your eyes start to water during application, sniff like you have the sniffles, and it should suck most of the tears back into your tear ducts. Hope that helped!

Apr 14, 2011

Nathalie V.

I never thought of sniffing! Thanks for that tip I'll see if it works. I will try this weekend to give the eyeliner a rest though.

Nathalie V.

South Florida