Zombie Makeup


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Oct 25, 2011

Chelsea M.

Hi everyone! I was wondering if anyone had any great zombie makeup tips/ideas/tutorials? We're doing a zombie theme at work for Halloween and I am clueless :( 

Oct 26, 2011

Samantha G.

this guy gives you the simple version

this girl has crazy talent and really explains what she's doing. she has a ton of tutorials on her channel

Depends on what effect you're going for..




Walking Dead..

Waling dead FTW!

Oct 26, 2011

Chelsea M.

Thank you! I'll have to look at these when I get home :) 

Oct 27, 2011

Jeny W.

I was just did makeup for the monterey zombie walk here is what I did on myself. One tip I learned that instead of using liquid latex, you can actually use thick layers of eyelash glue to create wounds.

Oct 27, 2011

Chelsea M.

Mandy K.- I love your costume/makeup!

These are great videos and will definitely help me with some brain eating- I mean storming ;) 

Here's a really quick look I did via Skype to help my mom see a basic how to on zombie makeup. 

I started recording a zombie makeup look, then my camera died... but, it was seriously the easiest look... I added white to my foundation, then to contour I used a purple cream eyeliner from Smashbox, I also used that same colour around the eyes, and a little bit of a matte olive green just in random spots on the face. & for the wounds, I literally used 1 ply toilet paper and some liquid latex... you could even use lash glue. I covered that with some foundation then some red and black grease paints then I added fake blood. It's seriously so easy to turn yourself into a zombie! Have fun!
Here's a pic of my makeup: http://www.beautylish.com/f/imjzgx