Capillaries On My Face.


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Apr 13, 2013

Dasha A.

I have capillaries on my face. does anybody know how can I get rid of them or if even can? thanks.

Apr 13, 2013

Sarah J.

I'm sorry but what is a capillary?

Apr 13, 2013

Hanna L.

Yeah what is that

Apr 13, 2013

Lola L.

Capalaries are the smallest veins in the body, they 'sprout' off of bigger veins. and they come to the surface for more air in some cases or it could be hereditaity. also it could be from heat or cold.. try drinking water, not wearing as much facial make up, and moisturize.

Apr 13, 2013

Hanna L.

Okay thanks (;!!

Apr 13, 2013

Grace C.

I don't have them bad but... I have them I just put concealer over them

Apr 13, 2013

Kelly M.

I have one below my left eye, it's been there for about a year and a half, and I've heard that vitamin K creams can help by increasing circulation, but I have yet to find a good cream to try. I've found that eating a lot of leafy greens like spinach and kale helps (which are very high in vitamin K), and keeping the area moisturized helps too.

Apr 13, 2013

Melissa A.

Electrocoagulation is a treatment that can be done to eliminate capillaries or broken blood vessels. You can get it done at medi spas. They insert a very tiny needle into the area and run a current through it, causing the blood to coagulate. It will turn in to a scab and disappear completely after treatment.

Apr 13, 2013

Kathryn L.

Laser or Intense pulsed light works amazing for broken/distended capillaries. Since there is already blood flow to these areas by a feeder vein underneath, these are just temporary solutions. They take a few treatments to start, then you will usually need a maintenance treatment a year or two later. Also facial rejuvenation acupuncture can be done for capillaries as well. It basically works as a blood letting and it works amazingly. Topical creams won't help the actual capillaries themselves, but usually just help to tone down the redness. In the meantime just be gentle with these areas, don't use an aggressive exfoliant over these areas as the capillaries can worsen.

Apr 13, 2013

Dasha A.

thanks ladies

Apr 13, 2013

Rachael K.

Hey, if you keep getting burst capillaries pop to your doctors and get your blood pressure checked, I would cut down on the salt and try to avoid lots of pressure on the skin, intense rubbing, itching, or leaning on the skin.