Give me your honest opinion, please!


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Aug 18, 2013

Danii S.

My arms are really hairy especially for a girl. It doesn't really bother me because I see nothing wrong with it. I shave areas like me underarms and legs regularly, but I don't see the need to do so for my arms. However, I'm sometimes joked on by other people because of it. I don't really care about the comments and usually just brush it off but I see other people shaving their arms also. Give me your opinion should I just shave it?

Aug 18, 2013

Danii S.

Wasn't joking when I said my arms are bad 😜

Aug 18, 2013

Leslie L.

Do whatever makes you feel good but I personally would shave it off.

Aug 18, 2013

Laura S.

Don't shave your arms, it isn't natural. I don't shave mine and sometimes people say something but think about it I means it's so much better than having to shave your arms every single day especially in the summer.

Aug 18, 2013

Ashley D.

If you shave your arms, it will come back really prickly like your legs, making it really uncomfortable for anyone to touch you arms. If you are really self conscious, you could try bleaching it which would make it less noticeable to the eye and it won't prick anyone!! Hope that helped

Aug 18, 2013

Sadia G.

Well mines are somewhat like yours but not that hairy n yea my friends shaves theirs too but I wouldn't mainly because wen you shave your hairs grow thicker & it feels really wired when it starts to grow back n you have to do it more often so your arms won't look ugly

Aug 18, 2013

Diana P.

I think it's alright like the first time a shaved they came back so poking and I dislike it and remember you are going to have to shave your legs,armpits,and arms so I think you shouldn't 😃

Aug 18, 2013

Anna S.

I have the same problemmy arms are exactly like yours I don't shave them because it would be high maintenance and I'm too lazy to shave two extra limbs 😏 also many people don't shave thier arms so don't feel bad or embarrassed about it.

Aug 18, 2013

Leslie L.

@sadia that's not true... hair doesn't grow back thicker when you shave it. but I do agree, it will be tedious to have to shave them everyday so that they won't come back prickly.

Aug 18, 2013

Em C.

If you want to get rid of your arm hair I would recommend this product. My relative Nairs her arms every week and it better than shaving because the cream gets the hair from the roots and this only takes a couple minutes!

Aug 18, 2013

Christyna G.

Just bleach them its sooo much easier!! =)

Aug 18, 2013

Zaida R.

I am the same as you. I don't shave them I leave them. Once you shave they'll come out thicker and hairier.

Aug 18, 2013

Selena V.

I would nair or veet instead of shavin them but if you shave them they won't come in prickly and the hair just appears thicker and darker after you shave any hair because of your razors thts wht I was told by my teacher lol

Aug 18, 2013

Selena V.


Aug 18, 2013

Diana D.

I had the exact same problem! I totally just grabbed a razor some nice shaving cream & ham problem solved. My arms felt so soft & honestly made ne feel better about myself. don't know why it took me so long to do it!

Aug 18, 2013

Diana D.

Oh & NO IT DID NOT grow back thicker

Aug 18, 2013

Gabi I.

Shaving doesn't make the hair grow back thicker. It just seems that way because its cut on a blunt end. I shave my arms because they were VERY hairy. And it really isn't bad at all. If you keep up with it your arms are like baby smooth. I say go for it. It made me feel a lot better about myself.

Aug 18, 2013

Mickie S.

If it doesn't bother you, don't do anything! I have pretty hairy arms &I don't like it even tho it's light. I actually use a bikini shaver & trim it every so often. Easier, faster, don't have to do it as often as shaving.

Aug 18, 2013

Jes T.

If you don't mind it, don't shave it. Its your body, you do what youre comfortable with :)

Aug 18, 2013

Angharad N.

Mine look the same. Lots of people comment and ask why I don't shave them and I just say that I don't want to. I think people comment to upset you but if you just answer them politely they'll realize that you aren't bothered by it so there's no point picking on you about it. I hope that made sense :)

Aug 18, 2013

Natalie Y.

I have the same problem. But don't shave! You'll have to keep up with it and buy lots more shaving cream. Try waxing or just dealing with it.

Aug 18, 2013

Hayley W.

Every one I know with dark hair shaves their arms! It looks better and (at least in my experience) it doesn't grow back thicker. You could also try veet or waxing. I just think a smooth look is so much better!

Aug 18, 2013

Grace B.

I wax mine and I only have to do it once every 2 months!

Aug 18, 2013

Shannon C.

Don t shave your arms it will grow back twise as hairy and you look perfect don't let someone point it out just say and or something xx

Aug 18, 2013

Nicole O.

If it doesn't bother you- don't do it. My friend does it and now her arms feel the way your legs do after you don't shave for a few days.