Ear piercing help!!


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Aug 4, 2013

Lily S.

I got my ears pierced at Claire's about one week ago. A couple days after using their solution, my ear lobes became swollen, red, itchy, and scaly. So then I switched to hydrogen peroxide. There is no pus, it's just extremely itchy. Are my ears infected or is this normal?

Aug 4, 2013

Jareka B.

Number pne you should have never got it done at claires secons what did they use and third did they clean the tool.

Aug 4, 2013

Lily S.

They used the earring gun and they cleaned it.

Aug 4, 2013

Hannah T.

They are most likely infected to help get some rubbing alcohol and make sure to use it daily you should see results very quickly... It may sting a little at first but it's worth it :)

Aug 4, 2013

Jareka B.

And scaly is funny but its suppose to b swollen and red and ichty because when you get a piercing its suppose to swell and turn red and its going to b a lil itchy

Aug 4, 2013

Monique R.

It can be one of two things, one it's trying to heal (the itchyness) and the solution is irritating. (the swelling). Try switching to just rubbing alcohol. Or two, you could be allergic to the metal, which I am. I proceed my ears at claires before and I had to take then out because my lobe was swelling around the piercing. If it doesn't go away after switching earrings or solutions, it would be best to take then or, let it heal and try again later. Which is a small price to pay compared to it getting worse and amputations.

Aug 4, 2013

Jareka B.

Don't use rubbing achohol use some they give you after a piercing you can get it at hot topic or tatto/ piercing place.

Aug 4, 2013

Jo B.

Your ears could also be very sensitive to the metal in the earring

Aug 4, 2013

Lily S.

I have 14k gold earrings in.

Aug 4, 2013

Charlotte F.

Did you get sterling silver or gold earrings if you didn't thats probably why, you are probably reacting to the bad quality metal x

Aug 4, 2013

Halle C.

They sell earrings for sensitive ears at Claire's. if that's the problem. I'd just keep cleanly them lots and if they don't get better maybe go to a piercing place and ask what's wrong and what you have to do :)

Aug 4, 2013

Caitlin T.

Go to the doctors and have it checked out-its better safe than sorry.

Aug 4, 2013

Abeera S.

I had mine pierced at claires too and they did get red and itchy and swollen but I continued to use the solution they gave and it did get better also I remember the lady telling me not push the stopper for the earing right to the end so its really tight against the ear hope that helps x

Aug 4, 2013

Tamara K.

I'm allergic to the metal that they use for the earrings. I can only wear pure gold earrings so most probably you might be allergic.

Aug 4, 2013

Hannah K.

The stuff they give you is crap. Its supposed to be a saline solution, but it's.05% salt and 99.05% water, or something like that. It's weaker than contact saline solution, and completely useless. Try Arm and Hammer saline solution, you can get it at any drugstore. It should work. If it doesn't, you may be allergic to the metal. I am as well, and it is extremely itchy.

Aug 4, 2013

Abeera S.

I got mine pierced at claires too it did get swollen and itchy but I carried on using the solution and it eventually got better also the lady told me not to push the stopper right to the so that its tight against the ear. if its really painful and not getting better I would go back and ask them hope that helps

Aug 4, 2013

Megan R.

That happened to me too I had a reaction to the piercing and it got better after I changed it

Aug 4, 2013

Netty A.

Prollu the earring. its probably gold platef n not solid. I have allergic reactions to gold platef jewelry and the same thing happened to my ear. change the earring.

Aug 4, 2013

Leandra M.

They are probably infected. when I got my ears pierced it was at Wal-Mart and they were itchy and red. but my mom said that's normal because when they heal, they itch. But I'm not sure about swelling up. you should use rubbing alcohol to clean them. it might burn but it will help clean them better.

Aug 4, 2013

Anna C.

Don't clean them too much, just once when you wake up and once at night. Maybe another time after a shower.

Aug 4, 2013

Amy S.

It can be that the solution is irritating your skin try this buy sea salt mix it in warm water and soak it for 30 or more seconds every day it helps with piercings n helps the healing process or you might be alergic to fake jewlery.

Aug 4, 2013

Leandra M.

Ohh and also, if the earings are fake, then it will probably irritate your ears too.

Aug 4, 2013

Amy S.

A bit of swelling n itching is normal part of healing process avoid rubbing alchol it can cause to dry n can encurage crustys to build up don't over clean , clean at least twice a day

Aug 4, 2013

Amy S.

Seriously do the sea salt soak solution I mentioned above I used it for most of all my piercings ears n spetum make sure tomake soak it in and arounf the piercing try not to be ao rough you can even clean your piercing with anti bacterial soap such as dial soap

Aug 4, 2013

Miya M.

Mine did that as well as when I got them done at Claire's but it went away in a day or two.