Scar help! :(


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Dec 22, 2013

Veronica E.

Whatever you do, do not touch (like itching or scratching) the scars. It'll pretty much make the scars go worse! Or else, (even though this idea isn't such a big deal…) try talking to a doctor about the scars and what they can do about it. Good Luck!

Dec 22, 2013

Paulina S.

What kind of scars?

Dec 22, 2013

Lexi K.

I used to have them all over my knees lol. Make sure to exfoliate, I use those exfoliating bath mits, they make my legs soo smooth, a chemical exfoliant like Glycolic or lactic acid will work great too. Make sure to moisturize the area everyday with cocoa butter or any really good moisturizer.

Dec 22, 2013

Leah A.

Try using bio oil!

Dec 22, 2013

Coralys V.

You can use this! They don't go but they fade a lot! This is for scars stretch marks etc.

Dec 22, 2013

Lexi K.

Shelby, try the Amlactin lotion, you can get it at any drugstore, or it has 12% lactic acid. Paula's choice also has an AHA body lotion, but it's a bit expensive. And you could actually make your own bio oil with some jojoba oil and aloe Vera/ vitamin e gel. I just say this because if you look at the ingredients in bio oil, it's really just mineral oil, vitamin e/a and a lot of unnecessary things.

Dec 23, 2013

Brittany R.

A lot of my scars have faded a lot thanks to coconut oil. I use that and belly butter and they are sooooooo much better now

Dec 28, 2013

Brittany R.

I just got mine at walmart! It's kind of greasy but it's awesome it feels amazing I'm 7 months prego and have no stretch marks at all and I use to have small stretch marks on my hips from surgery and it actually faded them to where I can't even see them anymore!