Opinions on VS Fashion Show?


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Dec 11, 2013

Amanda V.

Hey ladies! I watched the VS fashion show last night, so I was curious to hear your opinions on it. I don't think there's anything wrong with it. To me, they're just models doing what they do best, but many people have negative views on the fashion show and VS in general, because they think it's too provocative or they're sending a negative message to girls about body image.
I love it from a fashion stand point. I love to see the creativity along with the hair and makeup.
So what are your opinions?

Dec 12, 2013

Cala S.

Fashion is fashion!

Dec 12, 2013

Kyraa D.

I love VS & all their clothing.
I've never paid attention to their fashion shows tho. they aren't even modelling the lingerie.. they're all dressed up like fairies & crap & I find that really draws away from the lingerie itself.

but other than that it's alright I guess, lol.

Dec 12, 2013

Amanda V.

I love the store and their clothing as well! But I don't really think it takes away from the lingerie. To me, it amps it up.

Dec 12, 2013

Amanda V.

That is true Megan. But I would hope the majority of people understand that looking like the models is unattainable, unless you devote your life to it. Which they do, because it's their job.

Dec 12, 2013

Rebekah K.

They're models they're supposed to look good y'know what I mean. I think adults are being a little too cautious on saying its too provocative, but dang, its VS for Gods sake!! and the fashion shows are mainly for the nasty guys out there since it is girls half naked wearing wings. I don't think I would wear that everyday.

Dec 12, 2013

Jenny F.

Oh my god. I loved it, honestly. It's Victoria's Secret, no one should be expecting the models to strut down the runway fully clothes. But seriously, those girls looked amazing and the creativity in the outfits was wonderful and they were just great.
And I think the "expectations for women" that people say it's giving off is. I'm sure people watch it and wish they looked like models, but no one is expected to look like them except for, well, models! I'm pretty sure people go out and see regular girls enough to realize not many people look like models or have bodies like them, and I'm very sure most people don't care. No one really expects a model face and a model body except those in the modeling business.

Dec 12, 2013

Amanda V.

I agree Rebekah! Their job is to be in top shape, and to look good!

Jenny, I know! It was awesome! The creativity amazes me. They really have such talented designers. I thought all of the girls looked beyond fabulous. I do wish I had their bodies, which is why it actually motivates me to stay in shape in live a healthy lifestyle. :)

Dec 12, 2013

Amanda V.

* and live

Dec 12, 2013

Kitty K.

I love seeing their looks and makeup and lingerie. However I think the whole body image thing is that insecure people with no confidence in themselves go by to assure themselves... like you don't ever see men complaining about the photoshopped guys all over ads. People will complain no matter what size they are... its ridic - why can't we all just love our bodies and get on with life. I have more fun eating my cookies and cream hersheys bar than obsessing over some model and her body that I'll never meet and doesn't pay my bills -.-''

Dec 12, 2013

Mikayla B.

I don't really care enough to watch it.

Dec 12, 2013

Veronica E.

I don't really care for watching VS. I don't like how the people who run the VS fashion show have to bring celebrities along to the fashion show. I mean, I'd celebrities rely that big of a deal? Do celebrities make the fashion show even better?? I mean it's fine if let's just say Selena Gomez wanted to go to the fashion show but do the people really need to bring 10,000 celebrities to be at a VS fashion show?? I also don't like how people make such a big deal out of it! Like how people NEVER stop talking about the fashion show, I mean, c'mon. Can we please talk about something else besides the VS fashion show?! So I don't really like the VS fashion show at all.

Dec 12, 2013

Veronica E.

I also agree with Kitty.

Dec 12, 2013

Stephanie S.

I didn't even know they had one. maybe if it was on while I was changing the tv and I stopped but nah. they're pretty though but not just cause they're all skinny and all.

Dec 12, 2013

angel s.

I honestly don't agree with them having a fashion show, because it lacks class. When it comes to class and sex appeal, Agent Provocateur is certainly at the top of the food chain. Victoria's Secret has become bland the designs are cheap, and the target audience seems to have an immature taste. I think their creativity is childish and certainly does not compete with other brands on the market. Also, yes, their company does litter the minds of young women, especially when they only ever market the same line up of girls with carbon copy bodies. "The models need to look good, duh" is offensive, because it implies that diverse girls aren't as beautiful.

Dec 12, 2013

Stephanie S.

agree ^^.

Dec 12, 2013

Mallarie B.

True story

Dec 12, 2013

Annabelle N.

LOL Mallarie! Funny pic. I don't watch it but I like to look at the pictures from it. Great costume ideas!

Dec 12, 2013

Bryanna L.

It really pisses me off when ppl say bad stuff because the models are "skinny."
The models are in shape. They worked hard for their bodies! Most are mothers and had to work out and eat right after having kids. IF YOU WORK OUT AND STAY HEALTHY, you can achieve to look just as good as them. but don't sit around and say "you're too skinny" cus they're not. They're fit.

Other than that, I love all their clothes but I didn't watch the fashion show. But I feel like something of their stuff is overpriced. like a tee is $20-$25? why? cus it says PINK on it? that's crazy.

Dec 12, 2013

Roz X.

I'm with Kyra as well. I have a ton of their clothes and yet their runway shows fail to leave even the smallest of impacts. They should have models displaying ALL of the sizes they carry. So many drop dead gorgeous curvy girls who would shine and make it relatable.

Dec 12, 2013

Amanda V.

Kitty, I agree! I think everyone needs to come to terms with their body.

Mikayla, haha from what I see many people don't!

Veronica, I know it is talked about a lot because so many people watch it. I agree about the celebrities. I just wanna see the fashion show!

I agree Stephanie that they're not pretty because of their bodies. They're just pretty girls!

Angel when I said that it is their job to look good, I'm not saying you have to be that skinny to be pretty or attractive. I'm for all body types! I definitely don't look like the models. But it is their job to have that particular body type, and to be a certain dress size, just like any other models.

Mallarie, that's picture's hilarious!

Annabelle, I love the costumes as well!

Bryanna, I do agree they work hard for their bodies. They train hard and follow strict diets. They're stuff is overpriced. :(

Megan, that is terrible you heard those girls saying that. Especially when the target audience of the show & store is not 11 or 12. I can't help but wonder why their parents let them watch it? That seems a little young to me.

Rozberry, You're right! I do think curvy girls would rock the show!

Dec 12, 2013

Antonia S.

This show has been my favorite one yet.
The concept VS has with their fashion shows is more abstract. It's not solely about the things they sell in stores.
In all honestly, the people you hear chirping about "negative body image" and "unrealistic interpretation of females" are those out there who are less than healthy. Let's be real.
If Lane Bryant or Torrid were to have a notable fashion show, many girls with similar body images would feel empowered. But couldn't others contradict it as promoting obesity?
I think people get way too butt hurt over things.

Dec 12, 2013

angel s.

"Let's be real", Antonia. My health is of no concern to you, and seeing as the average American woman is a size 14, I think larger body types deserve to be represented. And get out of here with your "promoting obesity" speech. You don't understand being "butt hurt" until you have to live a life where mainstream society likes to look down on you 100% of the time.

Dec 12, 2013

angel s.

Just saying, learning the realms of "fashion" is important if you want to have discourse about it.

Dec 12, 2013

Roz X.

Angel, I've missed you!!

As to size, VS sells up to size 14-16 and so I feel they aren't being asked to abandon their vision. Lots of beautiful, fit ladies that would rock it. :)

Amanda V.

Pittsburgh, PA