Pimples :(


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Sep 26, 2012

LynZee W.

I wash my face with Clean and Clear blackhead remover two times a day, but I still am getting a couple pimples here and there, are there any products that can help me to fix it just a bit more?

Sep 26, 2012

Shelly T.

Use a spot treatment.

Sep 27, 2012

Rebecca S.

Personally Clean and Clear never worked for me! I live the Nutrogena pink grapefruit acne cleaner. Make sure you moisturize twice a day too. It is a lot more expensive but I invested in Dermalogica and I'm never looking back! 

Sep 27, 2012

Sarah P.

Just exfoliate, use clean brushes when applying makeup, and it helps me to change my pillow cases more often. Spot treatments help too. And masks. I use a mask about once a week. The mint julep mask is amazing. 

Sep 27, 2012

Adalae M.

Make sure you moisturize, because irritated skin can also cause breakouts. I like the dual action moisturizer. :)

Sep 28, 2012

Shayla P.

proactive clay mask, it's so good ! i use it once a week :) 

Sep 28, 2012

Shayla P.

if it's really bad acne , go to a doctor and they can give you prescription drugs :)

Sep 28, 2012

Bridget B.

Invest in a more professional skin care range babe, dermalogica or environ are amazing. Environ is the most amazing professional skin care range and it's one of the cheaper ones out there <3 as a beauty therapist myself environ is the way to go! 

Sep 28, 2012

Mary P.

maybe its the Clean and Clear you are using? try something different, like Cetaphil

Sep 29, 2012

Katrina M.

Washing your face twice a day is fine. But it's a huge misconception that washing and washing and washing your face will prevent acne. Acne treatments such as Clean and Clear have drying agents in them to attempt to dry out the acne, thus clearing it up. Dry skin can clog your pores and break you out even more.

I used to break out horribly when I was in high school. I'd try to wash my face, it would make it worse. I'd do nothing, it'd get worse. This is what works for me.

Step one- steam your face. This will open the pores. You can do this by turning your shower or sink on really hot and kinda sticking your face in the steam or use a hot towel.

Step two- exfoliate. This will get out any dirt. I actually like homemade exfoliates/ facial scrubs. If you google them, there's tons!

Step three- rinse your face and DO NOT WIPE YOUR FACE DRY! That can irritate your skin. Just blot your face dry on a clean towel.

Step four- moisturize. It is never too early/late to start taking care of your skin, get a decent moisturizer!

I also don't know where your acne is but a lot of things contribute to acne. If its hereditary, it's much harder to take care of. But other factors such as hair laying on your face (i.e. bangs), sweat, heat (especially blowing directly on your face like in the car), poor diet, and this one is debatable but water consumption, not removing makeup and sleeping on the same pillowcase. There's like a hundred things. Haha. Good luck!

Sep 29, 2012

Michelle T.

proactive clay mask is amazing. Your best bet is to see a dermatologist first. 

Sep 29, 2012

Bridget B.

Wash ur face when u wakeup, when u get home, and when u got to sleep. Use something with benzoyl peroxide, it helps a lot. Clean ur face whenever u can.

Sep 29, 2012

Ria P.

Water water water

Sep 29, 2012

Courtney B.

If you're just getting pimples occasionally it could be hormonal. Unfortunately, there's no face wash that can fix that. As long as you are keeping your face clean and appropriately moisturized, that may be the best you can do.

Sep 29, 2012

Kimberly F.

You said your using the blackhead treatment... That could be your problem right there. You could also be over washing your face. If you wash your face too much you get rid of the oils in the first layer of skin that actually help fight against acne.
I love the nutrogena grapefruit face wash its gentle and works great.

Sep 30, 2012

Emily C.

heron beauty acne treatment serum. It really helps my skin.

Sep 30, 2012

Brenda W.

Dermalogicas Medibac line is absolutely the best. 

Oct 1, 2012

Aleyna E.

Nothing worked for me just go to your doctor

Oct 8, 2012

Elissa G.

Try to apply toothpaste onto the pimples before you go to sleep. When you wake up, rinse it off- it sounds strange, i know--but a friend told me to try it and I use it from time to time. It works! xoxx

Oct 8, 2012

Gabriela S.

Proactiv clay mask all the way. I've been using the proactiv treatment for about 6 months now and it works great. But for some people it doesn't work so don't use the whole thing itself. Try the clay mask and use it once a week. Get a really good moisturizer because it will dry out your skin. The white toothpaste thing works too. My friend does that and she has the most perfect skin I've ever seen.