Neck Warts ):


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Oct 6, 2012

Ana G.

I have little warts all over my neck (it's hereditary) and I was wondering how can I remove or make them disappear... Please help! ):

Oct 6, 2012

Yesenia P.

I would def recommend you see a dermatologist. I believe they can freeze them off.... I had a childhood friend who had them all over her hands and i reconnected with her through FB. She doesn't have them anymore!! I don't want to be rude and ask- but I'm sure your derm can help!!

Oct 6, 2012

Edie M.

I don't think they're warts, I think they're skin tags. Go to your dermatologist before trying any in-home remedies. 

Oct 7, 2012

Ana G.

thank you girls <3