Greasy hair!


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Sep 27, 2012

Jamie B.

My hair gets greasy in not even 10 hours! But the ends feel dry! Any ideas on how to keep my hair from getting so greasy throughout the day???

Sep 27, 2012

Shauni-Louise W.

When I had blonde hair, I used to put talc in to my hair on a morning and scrub it in to my hair with my fingers as if I was shampooing it. This soaked up any grease! My hair would get greasy the day after washing & because I didn't like washing my hair every day I tried this. Or dry shampoo!

Sep 29, 2012

Michelle T.

dry shampoo! or rubbing a tiny bit of baby powder at the roots and using your fingers to work the powder through the roots is a cheaper alternative 

Sep 29, 2012

Aley A.

Dry shampoo works well. I know your pain I have a very oily scalp and hair BUT when washing your hair in the shower try to avoid putting conditioner on the roots or top of your head an concentrating on putting only at the ends.
When you come out of the shower if you add leave in coditioner do the same as well and try to avoid sprating or adding any products because that can really do it. Also, it might be your brushes I have a video on this if you would like to watch. hair brushes need to be washed just like makeup ones or the products builds up and adds greasiness to your hair. Hope this helps :)

Sep 29, 2012

Mary P.

Do a hot oil treatment monthly, use heat protection spray & leave in conditioner

I use to have greasy hair but I started using Marocon oil after each shower. It really helped and my hair just kept getting softer and softer! (:

Sep 30, 2012

Jamie B.

Dry shampoo is usually my go to when I feel like I just washed my hair! I feel though that it works for a few hours and then my hair is just ten times greasier! I did try a hot oil treatment once and my hair felt like hay after! I also try to minimize the products in my hair so when I use conditioner I don't put anything else but if I don't condition I use either Moroccan oil or orofluido oil but a very small amount. I'm curious if there are any at home remedies to reduce oil...

Oct 1, 2012

Tanji R.

Only use conditioner on your ends and not on your roots. 

Oct 5, 2012

Cat R.

Don't have your shower too hot. The heat rinses away all the moisture so your hair produces twice as much to replace it. Also don't brush your hair too much, I comb mine while my conditioner is in, brush it when drying after and then just use fingers after. Make sure your hands are clean of course and try and avoid playing with your hair too much. When you go to bed clip your hair back so it's off your face, this can make it greasy, also I sometimes just wash my fringe and it looks a million times better. Hope that helps x