Anyone Else Always Have A Red Face?


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Oct 12, 2012

Kayla K.

What can I do to help reduce it

Oct 13, 2012

Amanda R.

Make sure you're not using any really harsh skincare like super gritty scrubs. Try some skincare with aloe in it. I have redness in my cheeks a lot so I have to be gentle. The Body Shop makes an awesome aloe line. 

Oct 13, 2012

Robin N.

Hi Kayla -
I have a bunch of customers who are always "seeing red" - dryness, sensitivity, rosacea - all can lead to a red face. Check out the SOOTHE line by Rodan + Fields. It is a clinical line for redness and sensitivity and provides amazing results! One customer of mine wrote in the following review of her experience using SOOTHE. Honestly - it is making a huge difference in her skin and she loves it! Just wanted to share!

"I've struggled with extremely dry skin for years "thanks to" Hashimotos thyroid disease. Add Rosecea to the mix and I was always looking for a cleanser that was gentle enough (I've tried them all.), a moisturizer that was strong enough (Tried tons!), and a foundation that could cover my redness. During a walk with a friend I complained about my dryness and rosecea acting like it was winter in September. She sent me to Robin. Since my husband has used Dr. Rodan & Fields original acne care line for years, I didn't hesitate to try these products. Hoped the products would stop the flaking and help with some redness. After two weeks of using R&F, the difference is fantastic. Two weeks! Done reapplying moisturizer over my makeup twice a day. Done layering foundation over the red spots on my cheek. Done taking a second trip to the bathroom after washing up to layer on more moisturizer at night. IN TWO WEEKS!!! Squeal! Can't wait to see the results in two months! Thanks Drs, for giving me back the skin I thought I'd never see again."

Oct 13, 2012

Kayla K.

Thank you :) 

Oct 14, 2012

Ashley D.

I have the same issue! But it went away after I switched to natural products :)