HELP!! hair color & my job!


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Aug 31, 2013

Britni A.

So I work at a daycare now & I have to dye my hair. well what color should I dye it? its red now..

Aug 31, 2013

Hannah K.

Why do you have to dye it?

Aug 31, 2013

Adrianna M.

What is your natural color?

Aug 31, 2013

Britni A.

Yes she said it doesn't look.professional

Aug 31, 2013

Britni A.

& its a red

Aug 31, 2013

Chelsea S.

A light brown kind of colour?

Aug 31, 2013

Britni A.

I wanted to do like.dark to light ombre.

Aug 31, 2013

Hannah K.

Tell her to go fuck herself that having red does not interfere with your ability to care for children. But then you might be out of a job. I work at a daycare too and I'd laugh in my boss' face if someday she decided I couldnt show my tattoos or something like that because I didnt look professional. How professional do you have to look tk get dirty? Jeeesh.. And as far as what color I guess I would do a brown shade bit still stay in the reds because it looks good on you.

Aug 31, 2013

Jacqlyn W.

I think dark brown with a little auburn would suit you. It's not straight up red, but there's a tint of it so then you won't have to completely drop the red color.

Aug 31, 2013

Joy C.

I think it should be brown. It would be more appropriate for children.

Aug 31, 2013

Casandra C.

Why red? I thought if it was blue or something youll have to... just like tattoos hair people stereo type that now youre work habits and goid personality is what people notice... whatever color will look amazing on you

Aug 31, 2013

Serena C.

I hate that you have to assimilate to the status quo because red looks super good on you but I agree with the dark to light ombré, that would look great on you:)

Aug 31, 2013

Britni A.

@hannah she said I could not have my madonna in & I can't show my tattoos because of the moms & dads...

Aug 31, 2013

Hannah K.

Joy C. I can honestly say the children could give a shit less what you look like as long as your nuturing and caring for them. The parents shouldnt care either... just saying..

and ya the ombre is amazing

Aug 31, 2013

Britni A.

@Serena THATS exactly what I want!.

Aug 31, 2013

Hannah K.

@ Britini I'm sorry that sucks... In my opinion like I've said It shouldnt matter I'd rather have someone with tattoos and red hair taking care of those children than some of the parents I see walking in the door sometimes..

Aug 31, 2013

Chelsea V.

medium brown :)

Aug 31, 2013

Britni A.

@megan h I was blonde a couple years ago!

Aug 31, 2013

Erin M.

If you HAVE to dye it, a brown would be nice on you.

At my center they want us to dress nicely, in a sense, but hair is free game. An older woman in management staff has bright red hair, so really, no one can say anything.

Aug 31, 2013

Alicia C.

Your hair looks nice. Don't dye it get a new job lol.

Aug 31, 2013

Sabrina K.

I think she's just silly if she doesn't think a red hair girl is professional enough! I would keep the red if I was you, and just do it a darker red!

Aug 31, 2013

Patricia P.

Geez its just a daycare not the freakin fbi. Its just red. I could see if it was like that bright fuckin kool aid bozo the clown color than I could see how that might be a distraction. I agree with some of the girls tell her to fuck off the ability to do your job has nothing to do with the color of your hair.
Tell her itll fade and to stop being petty

Aug 31, 2013

Malika D.

Light brown looks professional

Aug 31, 2013

Jayna R.

Maybe a darker shade of red so you don't have top change a dark auburn. Remember the red tones will alwaysbe in your hair so it will always be a very wants hair color. Going light is out of the question unless you wanna pay a lot of money. SO I think you should just go a deep red color. Cause that is more "appropriate" which I think is dumb to begin with. Kids love fun hair! (coming from experience I have red hair)

Aug 31, 2013

Victoria C.

Whoa that's really sad. The girls I work with have had even pink hair. I work near the projects so hair isn't really a problem cause the Moms come in with wilder colors. Make it an auburn, I love the red color family tbh.