Sock Buns!


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Jul 29, 2012

Haley K.

I have a terrible time trying to make a sick bun! It just never works out for me! If anyone has any tips on how to make it easier or anything that would help I'd love to know! Thanks:) xx -Haley

Jul 29, 2012

Amanda C.

How were you trying to make it?

I've done the sock bun thing since I was in 5th grade, I'm 21 now. The thing I would do is just cut a hole on the other end and just roll it in as if you were to roll up your sleeves. Get me? lol

Place it around your pony tail, lay out your hair around it. Get your elastic band, secure the bun in place and twist all the hair with bobby pins into the band.

Jul 29, 2012

Haley K.

Thanks! I've tried so many different ways and looked up vids. Lol I just can't master it:/