Would This Work??


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Jun 9, 2013

Journey J.

Ok so I heard lemon juice could help lighten your hair. I want a bit of and ombré look but instant it to look more natural. So if I put lemon juice on the ends of my hair and went out in the sun do you think it would lighten say if I did this for a week? Thanks loves ❤❤❤😉

Jun 9, 2013

Amaris A.

I heard it does work but I never heard that you had to do it for a week.

Jun 9, 2013

Journey J.

Cool thanks btw I love your hair.

Jun 9, 2013

Angelia W.

It does work:) peroxide & lemon juice works well.

Jun 9, 2013

Amaris A.

Thank you! you have beautiful eyes.

Jun 9, 2013

Julia R.

Be very careful, lemon and sun do not go together! I got burnt when I was little :/

Jun 10, 2013

Kaitlyn C.

Be careful with lemon. its drying because it is acid which will cause your hair to dry and break... trustt...