Hair Dyeing Question! Help!?!


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Jun 19, 2013

Shannon R.

I want to dye my hair blonde, and since my hair is a light brown my friend said youd have to bleach your hair or strip it. is that true, I've never dyed my hair before so I don't see why I'd need to strip it. please help!

Jun 19, 2013

Jocelyn T.

Just putting some highlights in so it won't be like tons of bleach I your hair :) but unfortunately you will have to use bleach to get it lighter.hope I helped you hun :)

Jun 19, 2013

Lara W.

If its a light enough brown, you can just box dye it. even though I know not everyone has the money, but dye takes upkeep so, I suggest going to a salon. I made a mistake and didnt, and I looked like a bleached rainbow since I had dark hair.

Jun 19, 2013

Keely S.

If you use a boxed dye you don't but if you want it permanent then yes..

Jun 19, 2013

Shannon R.

okay thanks.:)

Jun 19, 2013

Beth R.

Look my mom has almost black hair, and has never been to a salon to dye her hair. She just box dyes it, platimun. So just see what works for you!

Jun 19, 2013

Lara W.

^lol. "look" xD sorry. but yes, box dye usually does work. it didnt work for me, and some people can do it at home. I do mine at home now because I don't have the money for salon, but it was just a suggestion.

Jun 19, 2013

Jennifer B.

Shannon don't die you hair, it looks like a gorgeous color now! If you want a change or to lighten it up just get a few accent highlights around you face.

Jun 19, 2013

Shannon R.

thanks guys:)

Jun 19, 2013

Shelby T.

Box color blond or platinum or whatever still has the bleach and peroxide in it. it will still strip / lighten / bleach your hair. think about it like this: your hair is light brown. you wanna lighten it to blonde. color doesn't lighten bleach does so no matter what option you go with your still going to have to bleach your hair.

Jun 19, 2013

Kayla J.

Box dye doesn't have the right amount concentration to actually lift your hair levels. And always remember color doesn't lift color if you want to lighten your hair you need to go to a salon or a cosmetology school to get it done. A lot of people who aren't in the profession don't realize that there are different concentrations to mix your bleach with. If you go with a boxed you aren't going to know what volume it is and you can melt your hair. A lot of boxed colors are called Metallics and when you do anything else to your hair chemically after using one of those you will melt your hair it is a nasty sight!! We saw it when I was in hair school a girl did some sun in spray and didn't tell us and a girl melted her hair it was about three inches long when we got all the nasty crap cut off!! The point I'm trying to make is everyone's hair is different and that's why there are salons so that you can customize your hair treatment to work for you. And just because it works for one person does not mean it will work for you or everyone else!

Jun 19, 2013

Shelby T.

Thanks @kayla I'm not to good at tryin to explain stuff but that was EXACTLY what I was going to say (:

Jun 19, 2013

Shelby T.

one lf

Jun 19, 2013

Shelby T.

Crap lol one of the girls at my school box colored her hair blonde. got a perm and her hair stretched about 3 inches and started breaking off. ohhh the smell was awful and her hair just kept stretching and breaking it was a mess.

Jun 19, 2013

Dina U.

Hi I'm a cosmetologist! there is a lot of misconceptions posted here! let me try to help you girls out with those.
if you have never ever dyed your hair then there is no need to 'strip' it, stripping hair is done when there is artificial color, so basically if youve ever dyed it before. hair dye changes the structure of your hair on top of the color so once its dyed it will never return to the same condition as when it was undyed. its not a bad thing that it won't return (unless you fried your hair) I personally find my hair is more manageable since I've been dyeing it than when it was natural!
bleach is not needed to get the hair lighter, it is one option though. it all depends on how much lighter you want to go. shannon with your natural color I think you could get just about any shade of blonde you want with out bleach. unless you want platinum/white hair you will be fine with a dye.
all box dye is permanent, bc dye lifts and deposits the color can fade or change a bit over time but this is mostly due to improper maintenance. bleach just pulls color out with no natural stopping point so it is easier to mess up.
kayla is partly correct about the metallics thing but metallics are mostly found in natural dyes like henna. most boxed dyes these days don't use them anymore because of those issues.
boxed dye is not by any means a recommendation of mine though. if you must do it yourself, and I get it- spending money on hair isnt everyones #1 concern, but go to a pro for the first step of getting all your hair done. ask what they are using so that you can keep it up at home, if they are worth their prices they will understand and help you. I suggest going to a beauty supply store and investing in your products. it will be more upfront but you will save money in the long run. youll need at least a 30-40 volume developer and then pick what color you want from their swatches. to make sure it matches the pro job you could even consider bringing in your own color.

Jun 19, 2013

Shannon R.

Thanks dina! I get it now! :) the other girls had me a little

Jun 19, 2013

Dina U.

No worries! hair color theory is very confusing when you're new to it!