Lets KEEP it real...


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I have seen a pattern here, and maybe its just me.

But all of the "gurus" on youtube that have a huge amount of subscribers are really gorgeous, tanned, skinny so-so talented girls. WHAT IS WITH THIS.

Do you subscribe to a channel for the talent? Or to look at beautiful girl talk about the 300$ she dropped at ULTA?

It just bothers me that even when we put the power in our hands, without media shoving a model down our throats, we continue to pick the outward beauty, over the truly gifted artists.
There are some MAD TALENTED makeup artists on youtube getting 1,500 views, and it just upsets me. There are exceptions to this, but are far and few.

I don't have a makeup channel, so this rant is not for me... Its just maddening for me to see a girl spread some champagne eyeshadow and mascara on and get 600,000 views.

Jun 7, 2013

Victoria A.

I love grav3yardgirl on YouTube. She is not the typical beauty but I think she is gorgeous and has a funny personality. People leave her nasty comments about how weird she looks and how she is a freak... I would say for me it is about the personality and talent of whoever I am watching...

Jun 7, 2013

Allie H.

For me it's all about personality. I'm not about to sit through the slowest talking girl ever or a monotone. Doesn't matter what she looks like as long as she's good and fun to watch!

Jun 7, 2013

Elsa L.

Hi everyone I do agree as well the gurus who are popular started good just eyeshadow face makeup tutorials, now is traveling and clothing what is it going to help showing your traveling most of cause can do this as well I give anyone a chance as long as I love my Arabi makeup I'll be a sub but I won't learn nothing about hauls :( what if a woman is thicker or taller she won't find just to see a nother women wear is not cool lol sorry I just feel every guru changed :/ if you have a channel anyone :D I would love to watch your vids :)

Jun 7, 2013

Ashley R.

Lol I have a channel but it's for beginners. I am sure not model material!!! & I am old lol.

I love grav3yard girl too, but I wouldn't classify her as a beauty vlogger... more like a internet personality. haha...

Jun 7, 2013

Charlotte P.

I don't agree with you because I have a few gurus in mind who as they gained followers and money went from being average to losing lots of weight and becoming the girl that you are describing and they gained popularity just based on skills.

Jun 7, 2013

Jessica D.

I watch a girl based on her talent. I don't look at how pretty she is. I watch to see if she has the same interests as me and if she sounds educated with makeup. If she doesn't then I'm not wasting my time. Could just be me but I watch so I dnt have to go and spend money on useless products that don't work.

Jun 7, 2013

Ashley L.

I agree with Char!

Jun 7, 2013

Ashley L.

All the girls I watch on youtube are pretty, yes. but they also do some really amazing makeup..

Jun 7, 2013

Christina T.

I agree and disagree. I follow gurus who started "average" as you say. As they've gained fame, they're becoming the "model" type. I watched them based on personality and skill.

Jun 7, 2013

Paige W.

I see your point about certain YouTube beauty gurus. They are super pretty so of course any type of makeup looks good on them even if theh barely did anything at all. My favorite YouTuber is goldiestarling, she doesn't look like a lot of the other super popular beauty gurus but she is still beautiful and she gets recognition because she is super talented. And like the other girls said in their comments, a lot of it for me is personality and how they connect with their audience. I admit, I am subscribed to girls who look like super models and put up videos on how they put on foundation or a 15 minute video of them telling me what color lipsticks they like to wear but if they have a cool personality and give pretty good advice I will stay subscribed to them. But I definitely see your point and I hope that the talented beauty gurus get the recognition they deserve.

Jun 7, 2013

Caitlin M.

I agree with Jessica D. I don't pick anyone to watch based on their appearance. If I like their makeup looks and their insight and feel like I know what they're talking about I'll subscribe. Just because some of them are skinny or tan or pretty doesn't mean they don't have skills and aren't good at what they do. Maybe this is just my personal channel list but I'm not subscribed to anyone who I don't think is skilled. Everyone I'm subscribed to do lovely, in depth looks and have great personalities and absolutely deserve to have the views they have and them being skinny or pretty shouldn't change that.Most of the people I subscribe to also have separate channels for their hauls as well. So if you don't want to watch whoever talk about what they got at Ulta you probably don't have to, either because it's a separate channel you don't have to subscribe to or you don't have to click the play button if its on the main channel lol. Not trying to be rude, just wanted to point that out. That may not be how it is on everyone's channel but that's how it's been in my experience.

Jun 8, 2013

Meg F.

I think every subscriber connects to every guru different and that plays a large part in subscribing. For me, I subscribed to Kandee Johnson, for example, because of her charisma, positivity, and just how darn cute she is. Her tips and videos are awesome, too, even if she has videos that I feel like I've seen elsewhere by other gurus. Maybe I'm a bit off topic here who knows. I think the talented ladies who get less views just have to be discovered more perhaps. The good thing about Beautylish is that this is a community where we can share the gurus who we rave about and that's how they gain more subscribers over time! :)

Jun 8, 2013

Meg F.

Oh- and sometimes views are often times gained if someone searches a specific product and finds the guru out of the blue. I've found many of the ladies I watch by searching for reviews on the product and going from there! But yes, I don't believe in just watching for looks- I like hearing honest reviews and listening to someone who's not boring, per se.

Jun 8, 2013

Annalee M.

Queenofblendingmua. plus size. not your average blonde blue eyed girl. talented as Fuck. check her out on YouTube.

No I agree with most of what you're saying, its just that if you take a look at the top most subscribed gurus, they aren't that skilled in makeup artistry. But I am subscribed to everyone yall just mentioned. Like I said, there are a few that definitely break the mold. I just wish there was more of them. Like Sharon Farrell! She's an amazing makeup artist, and she has 33,000 subs. Not 1 million like she deserves, or Kristianathe... AMAZING! I'm not really talking that being beautiful is an issue, because both these girls are!
I just meant that its a trend on YouTube. Example CarliBel. To me, she is absolutely STUNNING, but average skills. But maybe thats just me, seems like everyone else loves her to pieces.

Jun 8, 2013

Vanessa D.

I agree to an extent make up makes a pretty girl prettier usually but if you know how to do a mad ass smokey eye ill watch it

Jun 8, 2013

Diana T.

That's the thing about YouTube and the internet in general is overrun by perverted guys just looking for hotties they can watch on YouTube for free - unfortunately its not just people looking for makeup tips that are watching the videos... its perverts too..

Jun 8, 2013

Charlotte P.

Diana I agree that there are guys out there that do watch these pretty girls obviously they are not only stunning but reachable to a certain extent. I mean Andreas choice has lots of guy fans.