Omg I hate freckles...


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Jun 20, 2013

Thirsty F.

Don't hate me if you love freckles but I hate them. And I want to get rid of them. I'm trying to do that by getting sun burn on my face its kind of working but I can still see them and it bothers me. Help!

Jun 20, 2013

Olivia G.

You may just end up freckling more, happens to me. Try using a concealer or foundation to help cover them or learn to embrace them.

Jun 20, 2013

Lily W.

I think freckles make you look sunkissed:) but if you don't like them then..?:) maybe try and get a tan so they're not as noticeable?:)

Jun 20, 2013

Luna Z.

Put lemon juice on them

Jun 20, 2013

Stella V.

Lemon juice is known to fade freckles and graually make them dissapear :)

Jun 20, 2013

Alycia K.

Luna and Stella are right, and did you know that sun makes your freckles more obvious...

Jun 20, 2013

Juana R.

Dear, please be careful sunburn isn't the best way for your skin on face... Maybe try to hide them with foundation or concealer :) I don't know what happens that you hate them but remember that they makes you and people love the way you are!! I'm sure you're beautiful with them :)

Jun 20, 2013

Mayleigh S.

The sun cause more vibrant freckles and also makes them multiply. If you want to make them less noticeable you can buy bleaching creams and apply them ONLY to freckles and with time they will fade. If you truly want to get rid of them you can visit a dermatologist and he will tell you the best solution for you. ;)

Jun 20, 2013

Allie H.

I heard sun brings out more freckles!

Jun 21, 2013

Jamie D.

Freckles are a product of melanin spotting in your skin. Melanin is what makes you tan, and when it spots It causes freckles. Being in the sun is only going to give you more freckles. Plus, getting a sun burn purposefully is frankly dangerous and stupid! Please please be smart and stop! Your going to damage your skin!! And I'm sure there are creams if you really want them gone, try seeing a dermatologist about it.
I'm sorry if this seemed mean at times, but you could seriously hurt yourself (skincancer!!)
Hope this helps, and keeps you away from the sunburns.

Jun 21, 2013

Joiii M.

Put milk with a cotton ball.

Jun 21, 2013

Katie H.

I have freckles on my face only a little and they look cute but then on my inner arms I have two big freckles that look really ugly and I hate then.

Jun 21, 2013

Mayleigh S.

Also when I was getting rid of mine I used lemon juice nighly and different fading creams and they faded dramatically. Now I'm looking into the pmd to fade the ones on my body hope this helped. :)

Jun 21, 2013

Mayleigh S.

Ahh I am blowing up your post but the more you know the better right. Sour cream mask helped a lot but the smell is terrible. also haha mask and sun screen.

Jun 21, 2013

Ana G.

I have so many freckles and I can't get rid of them either but lemon burned my skin and I still haven't found a way to get rid of them /:

Jun 22, 2013

Shannon K.

Lemon juice bleaches the skin-but the acid is so bad for your skin.

Jun 22, 2013

Nicole D.

Sunburns won't get rid of your freckles. It will only multiply them and it can cause skin cancer. I don't think there is any actual way to get rid of freckles but you could use makup to hide them. Don't try to sunburn your face though because you don't want to get skin cancer from it.