Eyebrow Problem!! Is It Only Me?


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Jun 10, 2013

Umaima M.

Do you find it difficult to pluck your left eyebrow??
I do!!

Jun 10, 2013

Kristin S.

Yes!! I dislike plucking my left brow!! grrr..

Jun 10, 2013

Tara G.

When I first started plucking my eyebrows they left was always more sensitive than the right. Mt eyes would water so bad and I had to take breaks. Now its nothing it just took a bit and I can pluck like a machine now.

Jun 10, 2013

Umaima M.

@Tara.. aw I wishvi could pluck like you.

Jun 10, 2013

Jessica O.


Jun 10, 2013

Umaima M.

Plucking ny left brow with my right hand z soo difficult.. n impossible with my left hand :/

Jun 10, 2013

Nikki S.

The most difficult thing to do, is pluck your eyebrows with glasses on. And if I take them off I can't see lol But I'm taking my eye contacts back soon :D.

Jun 10, 2013

Umaima M.

@nikki omg yes!

Jun 10, 2013

Bridgette T.

Ahahaha and this is why I love this app! I thought I was the only one.

Jun 10, 2013

Vanessa D.

I can't not pluck my eyebrows I have to get them threaded or waxed but I do remember I hated to pluck my left eyebrow

Jun 10, 2013

Umaima M.

@bridgette sis fist ;)

Jun 10, 2013

Umaima M.

@venessa threading? omg it hurts like hell :o

Jun 10, 2013

Haley V.

Honestly I have a scar in my left one so it's so much thinner! Like my hair doesn't grow there! I just hate my right side with a passion.

Jun 10, 2013

Tiffany T.

Ugh-eyebrows-loove good lookin ones, but SO much effort!

Jun 10, 2013

Diana R.

I totally messed up my left eye brow. I have a line going thru it vanilla ice style lol. thank God for eye brow pencils.

Jun 11, 2013

Christina L.

I actually have the opposite problem, it's easier for me to pluck the left and I always think my left one looks better than the right!